Junior School News


     '100 Years Celebration'  


Prep Literacy: 

Students have continued to explore the features of recount writing. They have chosen a specific writing goal to focus on throughout the coming weeks. These goals include using full stops and capital letters at the beginning and end of a sentence, using finger spaces and attempting to spell unknown words, by stretching out all the sounds they can hear, identify and write. Preps have also been introduced to the short and long vowel sounds and have been able to give examples of the difference between the 2 sounds, when brainstorming words together as a whole class.


Prep Mathematics:

Over the past few weeks, students have been investigating friends of 10 by looking at different combinations of 2 numbers, that when added together make 10. They have continued to practice one to one correspondence, when counting collections and are also learning to count on when using addition strategies. Preps are also being introduced to and encouraged to use appropriate mathematical language when sharing their thinking, thoughts and ideas.


Prep InquiRE:

Students have enjoyed learning about simple and practical ways they can be sustainable at school and home, taking action to reinforce their understanding of the concept. The preps worked collaboratively to create a class mural illustrating their interpretation of the Creation story.

Prep PE: Tuesday and Thursday


Yr 1/2


Students have been introduced to procedural and informational report writing. Initially, students have been focusing on the key features of each genre, such as clear organisation, informative language, and sequential steps or facts. They engage in activities that break down these components, analysing sample texts to identify the structure and language features. Over the past fortnight, students' reading focus has centred on short vowels and syllables, with activities designed to reinforce their recognition and pronunciation skills. By integrating both reading and writing instruction, students are developing a strong understanding of language conventions and communication strategies.





Students have been revising addition and subtraction strategies with a focus on place value. This includes regrouping or borrowing when adding or subtracting numbers with different place values. Utilising manipulatives including unifix cubes, can help them grasp the concept concretely. Engaging in activities that involve decomposing numbers into their place value components strengthens their understanding of how addition and subtraction operations work. By incorporating place value into their strategies, students develop a deeper comprehension of the numerical system and enhance their ability to perform accurate calculations.


INQUIRY Learning / RELIGION  (InquiRE)

In our Inquiry unit on sustainability, students are learning about the 3Rs: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle to help protect the environment. They understand how these actions can save resources and minimise waste. By practicing the 3Rs, students are becoming eco-conscious and will contribute to a healthier planet.


In Religion, students are continuing to explore the story of how God created the world. They're discussing and collaborating different perspectives, looking at the wonders of nature to understand God's amazing work. This helps them appreciate the world's beauty and deepen their understanding of God's role as the creator.


Physical Education: (PE)

In P.E, Students are developing their agility and balance through focused soccer sessions. They have engaged in drills and exercises with the emphasis on quick movements and maintaining stability on their feet. Additionally, they're refining warm-up games that encourage teamwork, fostering communication skills essential for effective collaboration in our continuing soccer scratch matches.



Monday and FridayThursday and FridayMonday and Thursday


Tuesday's Cross Country Fun!




On Friday May 10, the students have been invited to participate in a free safety education session at Kew Traffic School. The session will focus on Pedestrian Safety with the local crossing supervisors.

The lesson will go for approximately 20-30 minutes and then the students have the opportunity to practise being pedestrians and ride around the track for an hour (90 mins total).

The bikes and scooters will be provided, however your child is to bring a helmet

If you do not have one, we ask you to locate one from friends and family so your child can 

participate fully.

The students will walk to and from the venue. Please see the session times below


Session #1 9.30am  -11am       (1/2M and 1/2R)     

Session #21.15pm - 2.45pm   (1/2D )  



DAILY routines 

Each morning students are asked to be at school at 8.50am.


On Monday, we have our weekly school assembly in the Atrium. The classroom doors will be locked during this time, so if students are running late, we ask them to come straight to the Atrium with their bags and join us. 


*Students change their take home books daily in the morning when they arrive at school

 (Yr 12R and Yr 12D) or after recess (Yr 12M).  

We ask that students bring their blue communication bags every day also to carry their books in. 


Students have weekly library visits to select 'good fit' books for daily stamina reading. 

They also have the option to select onelibrary book to take homeif they have their communication/library bag with them to carry it home in. All library books must be returned the following week. 


We gather together in a prayer circle each morning and go through our daily schedule.  


We teach Literacy and Maths every day.  

Art:  Monday (12M/D) and Tuesday (12R),          

STEM: ALL x3 classes Wednesday

Mandarin:  Monday (12R) and Thursday (12M/D)       

PE :   as mentioned above 



As you can appreciate, some days will change and we aim to inform the students as early as possible to prepare them. Furthermore, when staff are away unwell or participating offsite in training areas specific to their role/ profession, we aim to get a familiar casual relief teacher as much as we can.  Planning what is to be taught for the day is provided by the child's teacher to ensure consistency, in their absence.


Please make contact with the Junior staff (emails listed below) if you have any further questions or require clarification in regard to our daily routines as well as any events that we have planned for this term.