School Events/ Curriculum & Learning

Excursions, Incursions, Curriculum events & Community at school


Our Wonderful School Leaders represented our school at the Woodend Anzac Day ceremony. They each played a role in sharing a reading, as well as laying a wreath in remembrence. Congratulations to Sabine, Audrey, Henry and Alice for how you conducted yourselves, you should be very proud of your involvement in the ceremony. 

Anzac Day 

We were very fortunate to have some special guest speakers out at Newham Primary School in the lead up to Anzac Day. Bill (Will and Clara's Pa) is a historian who wrote a book the battle between Australia and the Japanese in WWII along the Kokoda Track. He was able to come and talk with us about some of the challenges faced by the soldiers. 

We were also very honored to have Vietnam veteran Ken come to visit us to talk about his experience. Ken brought with him some items for the students to view and ask questions about, including a breathing apparatus and a map drawn on silk. Ken also discussed the significance of medals and where they are worn. 

We are very thankful for our special guests who visited us at Newham.



3-6 CAMP

We cannot possible pass up the opportunity to share some photos from our 3-6 camp at YMCA Lady Northcote. Check them out!