
Sarah Aynsley 

Head of Curriculum

Welcome back to Term 2

It is great to see everyone back after the break and ready for another big term of learning.

Externally Set Tasks - Year 12

For all Year 12 General students across the state, there is an Externally Set Task (EST) administered by SCSA for each subject.  They form 15% of the grade for the year and provide us with feedback on our teaching and learning. Please see below the times we will be administering these assessments.  All sessions will be run from 9:00am to 10:00am in the Rec Centre (with the exception of PE Studies).  All students will be briefed on the expectations of the assessment and the sessions to ensure they all have the best opportunity of success.


Monday 6 May (Week 4) - English 

Tuesday 7 May (Week 4) - Mathematics

Tuesday 14 May (Week 5) - Animal Production Systems and Plant Production Systems

Wednesday 15 May (Week 5) - Physical Education Studies


We have a limited window of opportunity to deliver these tasks; if your child has a planned absence on these dates, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can schedule an alternative session.


Year 11 & 12 ATAR Exams - Week 6 (Thursday/Friday) & Week 7 (Monday/Tuesday)


For the duration of the study timetable, Year 11 and 12 ATAR students will not have scheduled classes.  ATAR staff will often organise opt-in study sessions to assist with exam preparations.  Students, however, will have access to their rooms and may choose to study independently.  School uniform is not required for exams - please wear something warm and comfortable (assuming we will actually have some cooler weather at that point!).  


Equipment: please make sure you have pens, pencils, calculators, spare batteries, rulers ready for the exam - bring these in a clear sleeve or small pencil case.  Water bottles should also be brought along - clear bottles are required for WACE exams but not a requirement for our College exams.


Thursday 23 May (Week 6) - English

Friday 24 May (Week 6) - Agricultural Science and Technology (Year 11) and Plant Production Systems (Year 12)

Monday 27 May (Week 7) - Mathematics Applications

Tuesday 28 May (Week 7) - Agribusiness (Year 11) and Animal Production Systems (Year 12)


Sarah Aynsley 

Head of Curriculum


Students often struggle with surface area and volume of a 3D object. In 2024, Mathematics Learning Area tackled this problem by embarking on an innovative cross-curricular project in collaboration between the Class and Trades departments. In this project, students are tasked with employing their mathematical skills to design a toolbox, which they subsequently bring to life in the College metal workshop. Throughout this engaging process, students:

  1. Acquire knowledge and skills from multiple disciplines. Cross-curricular activities help students develop the ability to apply their learning to real-world scenarios, preparing them for future challenges.
  2. Often require students to think critically and make connections between different pieces of information. This enhances their problem-solving skills and encourages analytical thinking.
  3. Make connections between different subjects, hence they are more likely to retain the information over the long term. Integrating subjects helps reinforce learning and creates a more cohesive understanding of concepts.

Overall, cross-curricular activities provide a rich and meaningful learning experience that goes beyond the boundaries of traditional subject areas, preparing students for success in both academics and life.


In addition, Mr. Chao is thrilled to witness an increasing number of ATAR students diligently tackling their Mathematics assignments after school. As a result, we are seeing a steady improvement in the performance of our ATAR Mathematics cohort. Congratulations to all Year 11 and Year 12 ATAR students on their hard work and dedication. Please keep up the effort.