Farm Enterprises

Workshop so far this month has had students building a utility rack for the piggery and after a six-week delay, we received the seal kit to repair the pallet lifter, so, after a lot of hard work from the students, it is now working!
Mr Ball
Calving for 2024 has started! At the start of Term 2, one of the heifers decided to drop on her exact due date! Now this week the older cows decided to start calving as well! The students are in awe as they observe the little ones bouncing around enjoying life!
At the end of Term 1, eight students headed down to Albany to compete in the Gate2Plate Schools Challenge. The students were very engaged and absorbed a lot of information from the guest speakers’ presentations. This was then used in a quiz later on. Overall, Cunderdin missed out a place in the schools' challenge, but we did have some students place in their quiz categories! I couldn’t be prouder of the effort the students have put into the challenge, well done.
Miss Baker
We have started our cropping program for 2024. After a few minor breakdowns, we have finished our vetch program around the College DCA, and will soon be into our second paddock of canola.
The Year 12 students are working through their roster and getting time on the tractor. Our new seeding bar is working great.
A big thank you to Mr de Beer and Mrs Iles for all your help while I’m out of action.
Mr Kelly
The beginning of Term 2 brought the first two Poll Dorset lambs of the season, a ewe and a ram. The Prime Lamb mob paddock is busy too, with all the little lambs running around.
The Technical Officer’s (TO's) and students are checking them regularly to make sure they are in good health and to help with lambing.
In three weeks, the Merinos will start dropping their lambs, and everyone will be busy looking after them. Feeding is still ongoing, and students are trail feeding the pregnant ewes every day, as well as keeping the feeders full for the lambs.
Here are some photos that have been taken with the drone while feeding sheep!
Miss Martini and Mr Laird
Butcher Shop
The Butcher Shop has been very busy slaughtering and processing pigs and sheep to provide pork and lamb for our kitchen. Students have been enjoying learning from Mr Jones and we thank him for stepping back into the abattoir after being out and about on farm for so long.
Let’s hope Term 2 brings plenty of hard work, baby animals and RAIN!