
Have you visited SchoolTV?
SchoolTV is a wellbeing resource that can support parents in the many challenges relating to modern-day parenting.
SchoolTV provides resources to help build relationships, foster connections, enable understanding and break down barriers to navigate a pathway towards better mental health and wellbeing for young people. It can also assist in conversations on topics that are sometimes awkward or difficult to tackle.
Raising girls, mental health, cybersafety, school refusal, trauma, neurodiversity, resilience, youth anxiety and managing screen time are amongst the many SchoolTV topics.
SchoolTV can be accessed via https://cccglenmorepark.catholic.schooltv.me/ or through Compass ‘school favourites.’
Organisational Tools
During our wellbeing lesson today, students were given the opportunity to reflect on their own time management and organisational strategies. Students were familiarised with a range of organisational tools and strategies in both their diaries and online.
The tools were emailed directly to students and I encourage you to discuss these or other strategies with your daughter/s to assist with their time management.
Reminder for Monday, 6 May 2024. Year 10 will be attending the two hour ‘Back Off’ seminar presented by Brent Sanders. The seminar will cover the following:
- Gender risk profile to highlight risk factors of sexual crime pertaining to young women in year 10.
- A full discussion around the legal definition of sexual assault including unlawful sexual touching (previously indecent assault.)
- Consent – covering the three pillars of consent law: Age of consent, Permission given freely, The effects of drugs/alcohol on consent and the introduction of Affirmative Consent to the NSW Crimes Act as of 2022.
- Proven and effective strategies to deal with this form of sexual confrontation.
Mrs Sonya Peters
Leader of Wellbeing