Sporting News

PDSSSC Interschool Sport Results
Oztag Grand final
Congratulations to our CCC Junior Oztag team for their highly successful, inaugural season in the PDSSSC Thursday Sports Competition. Yesterday the team played Gilroy College in the Grand Final and finished runners up following a 4-1 loss. Congratulations Juniors on finishing second overall, we look forward to seeing you back at it next year!
Our Intermediate Oztag Team started the day strong with a 11/2 win in the Semi Finals of the PDSSSC Thursday Sport Competition against Emmaus. However, it wasn’t to be when they can up against Gilroy College in the final. The girls started strong scoring first but Gilroy responded taking the lead quickly and hanging on to it to claim the match by three tries in the end. Congratulations girls for an excellent first season and we wish you the best of luck in the Gala Days to come.
Congratulations to Hannah Ison, Sienna Balewai, Imogen Norwood and Patikura Jim who have been chosen to represent the PDSSSC at the upcoming Metro Rugby League Championships.
Congratulations to Amber Stapleton, Grace Button and Patikura Jim who have been selected in the NSWCCC Touch Football team to play in Coffs Harbour.
Congratulations to Caroline Chisholm ex student Shaylan Whatman who has been selected to represent Australia in Softball at the upcoming Softball World Cup. She now joins another ex-student, Taylah Tsitsikronis in the team.
Congratulations to Abbey Konemann of Year 9 who has been selected to represent the NSW State team at the National Gymnastics Championships.
Congratulations to Amelia Wood who has been selected in the PDSSSC Football team.
Good luck to our Opens Soccer team who will be representing Caroline Chisholm at the upcoming PDSSSC Open Soccer Gala Day.
There are many trials for school, PDSSSC and NSWCCC teams approaching. Please ensure that you are aware of the registration deadlines as these dates are strictly enforced.
Refer to the Sport Handbook (on compass under Community, School Documentation) for more information.
Please contact me at the College if you have any questions about Sport at Caroline Chisholm.
Mr Stephen McIlveen
Leader of Sport