Year 12 Feature

2024 will be a year of challenges, focus, celebration and a year of lasts for Year 12. Our theme this year challenges students to ‘Embrace the Journey’.
Over the holidays Year 12 have attended school to participate in numerous workshops for practical and Major work subjects. Students have also been consolidating their study notes with refinement and focus. This term starts with a number of students currently engaging in Primary Industries work placement associated with this course of study. We hope that these students are obtaining important skills and knowledge with this experience.
Since the start of the year our College House Leaders have hit the ground running. Year 12 had their last Athletics Carnival which proved to be a sea of Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Purple and Green. Year 12 homerooms led by their House Leaders participated in events for the last time and cheered their fellow house members from all year groups. It was a fun-filled day. The highlight was Year 12 running/walking their last 100 metres together with smiles and laughter all the way to the finish line.
Mackillop and Macarthur House Leaders Georgia Calderwood and Ava Blom are working together to organise a range of activities to support their respective organisations throughout Week 3-7 this term. Their focus is on supporting the work of Jesuit Social Services and Mackillop Today who support a number of poor and vulnerable communities both within our local area and Australia. Our House Leaders will work together to raise awareness of the work of these two organisations and encourage the school community to raise funds and items to support the continuing work of these organisations.
The community depends on our senior leaders to help those in need by supporting our younger students with Vinnies van. This is an important call to serve to aid those in our community that are in need.
Year 12 put their faith into action volunteering to participate in the Good Friday walk from Blacktown to the Cathedral in Parramatta. Students walked through the night as a community participating in prayer.
Students are currently connecting with platforms such as ‘Beyond’ and ‘Ponder’, which will be used to develop career education support. This will help in the construction of Post school Pathways, and the planning of a personal roadmap for each student - whether they are intending on going to university, TAFE or college, entering the workforce, starting an apprenticeship or traineeship or taking a ‘gap year’ before deciding on their next steps. A big thankyou to the work that Adam and Kara have undertaken in the launch of this important planning initiative to help navigate the steps and choices they’ll make and allowing them the flexibility to explore their options with room to change direction along the way.
Year 12 were well represented at the Anzac Day march. A very special mention goes to Rachel Wilkinson commemorating Anzac Day with her squad. Rachel's title is Cadet Petty Officer Rachel Wilkinson and she is the squad commander for TS Nepean.
This morning Year 12 will have their last school photographs. I am very proud to be sitting with them as their Year Leader in their final group photograph. I hope in the future they can look back at these photographs with fond memories of their time here at Caroline Chisholm College.
Ms Jodie Cusack
Leader of Learning Year 12