KLA Feature - English

Term 1 has been a busy time in English. We commenced the year by assessing a piece of writing from all students in Years 7-10 to establish a personal writing goal for each student. The intention is that by maintaining a focus on a specific aspect of writing, the girls can dedicate their focus and use feedback to improve on that element.
Beyond that, the Term 1 has seen the implementation of units of work that reflect a new English syllabus that commenced in 2024. In particular, the focus for classes have been:
Year 7 (Connected Learning): integrated English/HSIE/RE unit on the concept of what it means to belong
Year 8: The Power of Storytelling - furthering understanding of narrative
Year 9: Spoken Word Poetry - exploring ideas and concepts through performance poetry
Year 10: Powerful Voices - the art of rhetoric/speeches
Our Year 11 students have been introduced to Stage 6 English through a dedicated unit, ‘Reading to Write’ that focuses on developing their writing skills through close examination of the writing of others. This module is foundational for their writing success in Year 11 & 12.
Finally, Year 12 are now at the mid point of their courses. They have two modules to complete their HSC English courses and work is keenly focused on this before their Trial exams in Term 3. Year 12 Advanced English have had their study of Shakespeare’s, ‘King Richard III’ enhanced through their attendance at a performance of the play in March. Bringing this play to life, beyond the written script studied in class, has been an excellent experience to aid their study and analysis of this text.
Mrs Jeanette Lans
Leader of Learning English