From the Senior Leadership

School Photos:
Any students that are absent on Friday 3rd May will have their photo taken on Monday 6th May. Sibling photos will also be taken on this day.
Year 11 and 12 Parent Student Teacher Interviews
A reminder that the Year 11 and 12 Parent Student Teacher Interviews will be held on Monday 13 May via Zoom. These interviews are an excellent opportunity to meet your daughter’s teachers and to discuss her learning this year. Information will be sent to parents about how to book interviews using the Compass Parent Portal.
Lockdown Practice
As a college we are required to have a lockdown practice and evacuation drill each year. Our Lockdown practice will take place early in week 2, next week. If this raises any concerns for your daughter please have a conversation with them and notify your child's Year Leader. Our evacuation drill will take place in Semester two.
Year 10 Important Information regarding HSC Minimum Standard Literacy and Numeracy
All students are required to demonstrate a minimum standard of literacy and numeracy to be eligible for the award of the HSC. All students must complete online reading, writing and numeracy tests to demonstrate that they have met the HSC minimum standards. These tests will be available for students to sit in Year 10, 11 or 12 and even after the HSC.
Minimum Standard Reading Test – 45 multiple choice questions
Minimum Standard Numeracy Test – 45 multiple choice questions
Minimum Standard Writing Test – one question based on a visual or text prompt with up to a 500 word-response
Current Year 10 students will complete the online Minimum Standards tests on 3 June. Students will have an opportunity to complete a practice online test in the lead up to the online testing. These tests should not be a source of concern for students or parents. Please be assured that the teachers are working with your daughter to ensure she is developing the necessary skills to meet the minimum standard of literacy and numeracy. If you have any questions about the minimum standard requirements, please contact Mrs Leanne Smith at the College.
Mrs Julie Petrovski and Ms Debbie White
Assistant Principals