Teaching and Learning/Enrichment Coaching 

Progress reports will be published in Week 5 of Term 2.



Enrichment Coaching


I couldn’t be happier getting to work with such an enthusiastic group of students this term. 

I have spent the last few weeks getting to know the new Grade One’s that I am working with. They are developing quite the love for learning, filling our sessions with thought provoking questions and a curiosity to find out more. These groups have been working on adding and subtracting numbers. They are able to model their ideas through hands-on materials, numbers, symbols and through games. 


I also continue to work with a small group of Grade Three students. This group continues to engage in quality maths experiences, asking questions, seeking support when needed and pushing themselves out of their comfort zone. They have appreciated time to revise topics that they have already been taught in class. 


Keep up the amazing work!

Mrs Morris