Specialist Subjects

P.E Auslan STEAM


How good is starting the term with our House Cross Country day! All students participated with fantastic effort and demonstrated quality support for one another. At the conclusion of both Cross Country days, we held a special assembly where we awarded our top 3 place getters with a medal. Whilst participating in their Cross Country race, students had the opportunity to decorate thier own age group name tag as an entry to our much anticipated sticker competition. The selection of our winners was harder than ever this year but each of our recipients were super proud of thier efforts.

From the results of our middle/senior Cross Country races, we have created a team of students to represent the school at the Officer District Cross Country on Friday 10th May.



In P.E classes, our Junior students have been continuing to refine their catching skills with soft balls, bean bags and spikey balls. Students have been making sure they keep their eyes focused on the object, having their hands ready and most importantly moving their hands to meet the travel path of the object.

Our Middle/Senior students have begun focusing on their Netball unit where throwing, catching and running skills are being explored. Students have enjoyed learning about strategic movement into space and will progress with thier positional knowledgde in the coming weeks. 



We have started Term Two strongly in Auslan by revising Term One content to ensure that we are still confident with previously learnt concepts. 

Our middle/senior students are applying their 'Who, What, Where and When' actions to forming full sentences about themselves. It's been incredible to see students be able to sign a question such as 'Who is my best friend?' and also being able to sign the answer. 

Our junior students are focusing on the 'What and Who' actions and applying their colour knowledge to creating questions such as 'What's my house colour?' or 'Who is my brother/sister?'


STEAM: Science, Technology & The Arts


We have had great student engagement to start off STEAM in Term 2! This term, students are studying Earth and Space sciences which is integrated with digital technologies and art practices. All students are learning how to use oil pastels, our juniors are using pattern, colour and blending to create night and day pictures, our middle students are creating night and day pictures from space, showing the Earth and Sun, and our senior students are creating artworks of our whole Solar System, using a range of techniques to create texture and form.

We also had Chooktopia visit our 3-6s to learn about sustainability. Our students had outstanding ideas to improve sustainability at our school, some of which have already been implemented! We now have bins in the junior and middle/senior buildings to collect recyclables for the Victorian Container Deposit Scheme and we are collecting recyclable materials from our families for students to use in projects.