Senior School

5/6 JDZ & 5/6 JD

We've had a smooth, but very busy start to Term Two! There have been quite a few events which have been extremely enjoyable. In our classrooms, we have been diving into new learning which has been just as excit 


Reading: Our focus in Reading has centred on analysing different texts and exploring/ comparing different features and language.

Writing: We have been developing Persuasive texts on the topic "Should animals be kept in captivity like zoos and nature parks?". Students have developed opinions, completed research and developed argument paragraphs using TEEL (Topic, Evidence, Explanation, Link).

Maths: In Maths, our two focuses so far this Term have been on Fractions and Measurement. In fractions, we have explored identifying and creating equivalent fractions. In Measurement, we have been looking at how to use instruments to get specific measurements and explored converting between different units e.g. cm to m

Humanities: This term our topic for Humanities is Economics and Business. The students have started a mini-project around spending and budgeting a weekly wage to accommodate a family of four. This is to help them understand needs and wants and consumer choices.


On Tuesday 16th April, our Year 5/6 students had the absolute pleasure and privilege of attending St Margaret's Berwick Grammar's dress rehearsal for their senior production 'The Wiz'! It was an incredible production with so many talented performers and crew! 



Last week we held our Senior Cross-Country at ROC Oval. The sun was shining and our students enjoyed the opportunity to participate in this event. There were fantastic efforts from everyone and it was encouraging to see the persistence and never give up attitudes that were on display! Well done everyone!


On Wednesday 17th March, we had the absolute pleasure of welcoming Victorian Institute of Sport para-cycling athlete Emma Mickle to Officer PS!

Emma shared her courageous story, overcoming the challenges that arose from a life-changing injury to become a fierce para-cycling star, who will soon compete for a place at this year's Paris Paralympic Games!

Emma's story was truly inspirational and proof that persistence, belief, gratitude and perseverance can allow anybody to achieve their absolute best! 

We wish Emma all the best in her pursuit of Paralympics success and will follow her para-cycling journey closely, wherever that takes her!