Junior School

Prep AA  1/2PB  1/2NP


Happy Term Two everyone, we have been extremely busy in the prep room this term and have continued to have positive dispositions every day that we come in and work together. 

In the last three weeks we have had our first school photos, cross country and have started writing and illustrating our very own stories in writing. 

Before we ran our first cross country!
After cross country!
Before we ran our first cross country!
After cross country!

Below are new skills that we are working on this term: 

Reading:In reading this term we have really started to focus on blending and segmenting words to read in our big books of the week, looking out for punctuation when we read and changing our voice to suit characters in our story books. We have also been busy learning our yellow sight words to help us when we read and write, as sometimes English can be very tricky and words cannot be sounded out! 


Writing:  In writing we have started writing our very own stories, this is our very first project and we have been working on this for the last week. It has been awesome to see all students creative and imaginative brains, and teamwork when we are brainstorming for our next page of our story books. We have also been working on letter formation, capital and lower-case letters to prepare us for when we continue to write full sentences later in the term. 



In numeracy this term, we have gone from 0-10 up to 20 and learnt all about our teen numbers, we have been discovering how to make these numbers through exploring hands-on materials, collaborating with ICT using our mathseeds program and playing maths based warm up games to keep numeracy fun and engaging! 




This term we have well and truly started our buddy program, we have been across to enjoy a round robin of chatting to all of the year six's and facilitating positive and encouraging communication. Learning about one another's families, favourite food, colour and what we like to do outside of school. This term we will run team building exercises between our foundation students and the year sixes to continue fostering strong relationships throughout the year. 



Just a reminder that coming up is out Mother's Day Stall on Thursday the 9th of May! 


This is all from me at the moment. Just a reminder to keep checking your childs blue wallets as this is where I put out messages to let you know where our learning is travelling throughout the term. 


All the best, 

Amber and Jacqui :) 


1/2 PB AND NP. 

Welcome back to term 2 friends!


In reading, we have explored how information is organised in both fiction and non-fiction texts. Specifically looking at contents and index pages in non-fiction texts and how they can be used to find information. We have been investigating point of view in texts, students are determining whether texts are written in first person, second person or third person.

In writing, we started the term off with writing recounts. We are now moving into persuasive writing. Students have been forming an opinion on a topic and developing reasons for how they might persuade people to change their opinions.

In maths, we have been very busy learning and practising lots of different maths skills. Students have been investigating arrays and how they are linked to multiplication. We have been practicing different addition strategies for solving addition sums. We have looked at calendar and students were able to find important dates from the year on their own calendar. Students are currently looking at shapes. We have investigated 2D and 3D shapes and their features. 



We have had a busy first few weeks back to school, we celebrated Earth Day on the 22nd of April with nude food lunch boxes. We had our cross country on the 23rd of April and each student did a fantastic job. We had our special Anzac Assembly on Wednesday the 24th of April. 

Best wishes from the team,

Phoebe, Nicole, Jeanette, Shannon and Carol!