Deputy Principal

Class Captains Meeting - Operation Ninja Playground

Our Semester One Class Captains met again with Mr Weekes and Mrs Gerecke this week to discuss 'Operation Ninja Playground.' The Class Captains were asked to discuss some 'wish-list' equipment items or ideas with their classmates that might feature in our new playground (alongside the oval and tennis court fence). Many creative and wacky ideas were shared at the meeting and these will be passed on to our playground designer in the coming weeks, as we finalise this project, ready to be ordered and hopefully, installed, later this year. 

Year 3 Parent/Child Reconciliation Evening - Wednesday 15 May (6:30-7:30pm)

This workshop, co-presented by Father Trevor, is a wonderful opportunity to connect with your child and learn more about Reconciliation and how we can apply it into our lives. Candidates with at least one parent are expected to attend. Father Trevor visited the Year 3 classrooms last week to meet with the students.

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD)

The NCCD is an annual collection of information about Australian school students who are receiving adjustments because of disability. 

  • For the NCCD, schools count the number of students receiving adjustments because of disability and make decisions about the level of adjustment being provided for each student with disability.
  • Schools provide NCCD information to education authorities and the Australian Government Department of Education. 
  • For the NCCD, school teams must have evidence to show that they have followed the Standards processes. 

For more information about the NCCD, please read the link below.



A reminder that children are asked to please only bring $2 with them to school each Friday in a labelled purse/wallet or a zip lock bag. 


We also ask for your support in ensuring that your child does not order too many items e.g. 3 icy poles, as they are unable to eat everything in the given time. Please talk to your child about the suggested items to buy before Tuckshop day.  


For Child Safety and OH&S compliance, children of parents assisting in the tuckshop, are not allowed to enter the kitchen area. They must line up at the window.


Many thanks for your support and assistance with this.