Weekes' Weekly News

Learning, growing and celebrating together...

Dear Sacred Heart Kew Families,


When times are tough, how many times have you asked yourself, ‘where’s Mum when you need her and what would Mum do in this situation’? After attending Year Four Camp at Grantville earlier this week, truer words have never been spoken. 


I will be honest, these thoughts were not actually voiced (I don’t think), but one could sense them being uttered and muttered at different times over the course of Monday through to Wednesday. And why wouldn’t you turn to your mother for advice? After watching our Year Four children face and overcome many challenging situations, there were many times where this phrase could have been used. 


Moments such as…

  • When the bus pulled out of St John’s Parade (waving parents becoming smaller and smaller in the distance)
  • Driving up the steep (bush covered) driveway to Bayview Lodge, stared down by some very interested and well fed woolly sheep 
  • Unpacking strange items from your rather heavy travel bag (what’s this thing for?)
  • Eating weirdly shaped and coloured food (think someone called them vegetables)
  • Closing your droopy and tired eyes in a dark and foreign place 
  • Problem solving the way out of various initiative activities  
  • The terror and height of the Giant Swing
  • Seeing a couple of wayward spiders in the night
  • Stepping in and out of the rickety large canoe, trying not to fall into the murky lake 
  • Trying not to roll your ankle or blind your teacher with your torch on the night walk
  • Tentatively holding out your hand to pat the beautiful horses
  • Repacking that dreaded sleeping bag on the final day (surely the cover has shrunk?)
  • Trying to remember if those clothes under the bunk belong to you

We often turn to our mothers’ for advice. You don’t have to be away on School Camp for this thought to be at the forefront of one's mind. 


In my book, the month of May belongs to my Mum, although Mum always tells me that it’s my month, as I was born the day after Mother’s Day (apparently the best Mothers’ Day gift ever) Mum’s words, not mine! As part of the month of May, today we celebrated our annual Ladies Lunch  and next week we will host and acknowledge all our special ladies in different ways with various Mothers’ day events and activities here at school. We all look forward to welcoming, recognising and celebrating all the beautiful Sacred Heart Kew ladies in our lives, in the lead up to Mothers’ Day next Sunday. 


To all our Sacred Heart Kew mothers and those who play mothering roles in our lives, may much love and attention be heaped upon you next week, on Mothers’ Day. Thank you for all that you do for us and for the comfort, joy and goodness that you bring to our lives each and every day. We particularly remember those beautiful mothers’ whose memory we hold near and dear to us at this time every year, who may not physically be with us any longer, but who live on in our hearts forever. Thank you to all our Mum’s for your constant love, compassion and endless support. May next Sunday be a celebration of everything YOU, and all that you mean to us lucky ones that get to call you MUM. 


Wishing everyone a lovely weekend. 


Kind Regards,


Ed Weekes 


School Principal