Icarus Community Report
Welcome to the Icarus Community.
We have had a fantastic term so far and have all been working so hard to improve our learning. Here is some information about what's been happening in Year 3.
This term in writing, students have been learning about persuasive texts. They have explored the different types of persuasive texts such as essays, opinion letters and advertisements. During these lessons, students explored persuasive techniques such as rhetorical questions, emotive language, examples and anecdotes and practised them when writing their persuasive texts. Students wrote persuasive texts on topics that included: Should Aitken Hill Primary School get a therapy dog? And Should animals be kept in cages?
Year 3's started off Term 2 by using practicing counting and addition strategies using money. Our 'money spiders' looked pretty cool! We have also been learning to use multiplication to solve problems. We used a wide range of strategies such as arrays and skip counting to help us understand multiplication better. It was really fun exploring our classroom to identify different angles and determining whether these were right angles. We also determine the size of different angles using mini clocks where we could manipulate the hands to make angles of different degrees.
This term in Inquiry we have been learning about Australia's Neighbouring countries. We had a fun time visiting the other Grade 3 classes to investigate and learn about these countries. We wrote down things we wanted to learn about these countries (our wonderings) and researched in groups to find out more.
Social Emotional Learning
This term students learnt about greeting others, speaking politely and working cooperatively with everyone. They recognised personal strengths and challenges and identified skills they would like to develop. They learnt about the consequences of emotional responses in a range of social situations. They discussed the value of diverse perspectives and through their interactions with their peers, they were able to describe factors that contribute to positive relationships with peers, other people at school and in the community. They also identified a range of conflict resolution strategies to negotiate positive outcomes to problems. Students investigated how emotional responses vary in depth and strength. They learnt about the impact their (negative) actions can have on others and why it is important to be respectful to others and to play fair.
Our main focus has been about playing safely in the yard at recess and lunchtime at school. Students were able to make suggestions that will help to keep them and others safe when playing outside. They created a social story that identified the cause and effect of playing safely and unsafely.
We discussed the significance of ANZAC Day, why it is important to remember and honour those who served the military. They also created an ANZAC Ted with their peers and discussed how we can show respect for ANZAC Day. They also practised techniques for controlling anger and reflected on how these techniques might help to control emotions.
From the Icarus community teachers Christina, Ben, Michelle, Kartia and Ritu.