Spotlight on Year 4

Year Four Anzac Day Ceremony
On Tuesday the 30th of April, first day back of Term 2 Year 4 and the St. Anthony’s community commemorated the bravery and sacrifice of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) during World War I. It serves as a poignant reminder of the courage displayed by these soldiers in the Gallipoli Campaign, where they faced tremendous hardship and loss.
ANZAC Day is not only about remembering the past but also reflecting on the values of mateship, courage, and sacrifice that define the ANZAC spirit and continue to resonate deeply within the national identities of Australia and New Zealand. The Year 4 students should be praised for their efforts and wonderful presentation skills on their first day back of term.
Year 4 students also completed a beautiful artwork dedicated to the lone soldier and discussed how this day aligns with our school values of love and service at St. Anthony’s Clovelly. Well done Year 4.