REC News

Dear Parents / Carers
Welcome back to Term 2!
I hope you had a restful break and enjoyed quality family time. Term 2 is a busy term, with lots of wonderful celebrations to share as a school community.
Mother's Day Breakfast and Mass
Sacrament of First Holy Communion
Year 3 students will have the opportunity to participate in the Sacrament of First Holy Communion this term. Below are the important dates:
Parent Information Evening - Wednesday 15 May at St Anthony's Church at 6.15pm
Sacrament of First Holy Communion - Saturday 29 June at 5pm or
Sunday 30 June at 9am (Week 9)
More informatiton will be given at the 'Parent Information Evening''. We look forward to preparing your children for this Sacrament.
Pentecost - Sunday 19 May
It was at Pentecost that the disciples experienced the Holy Spirit for the first time. They had hidden away out of fear. Suddenly the Holy Spirit came down on them as fire. Their fear disappeared! They felt so much joy. "They ... began to talk in other languages, as the Spirit enabled them to speak." "People ... heard the believers talking in their own languages"(Acts 2:4,6).
The people in Jerusalem were astonished: More than 3,000 came to believe.
Taken from YOUCAT for kids 2018 (p 84)
Kind Regards
May God’s blessings be with you,
Mrs Leanna Langlands
Religious Education Coordinator