Principal's Message

Welcome to Term 2!
We have certainly hit the ground running in Term 2! No time has been wasted to engage all students in their learning and it has been pleasing to see how all classes have quickly settled into the school routines and engaged in the programs of learning. Already one can hear the busy hum emerging from every classroom, preparing the way for a very productive term. All parents will receive a curriculum note from the classroom teacher through Compass outlining what the students will be taught this term.
Looking ahead, there are so many ways that you can get involved and truly experience the sense of belonging in our school. I look forward to connecting with you throughout the term.
Our vision for learning encompasses all that we do in our teaching and learning at STA. We believe learners flourish as…
Confident Individuals.
Creative Minds.
Connected Learners.
This vision reflects our mindset and attitude towards learning - learning is an ongoing journey whereby learners actively engage in learning experiences - and learning continues beyond the classroom. It is not the role of the teacher to dispense information and facts but to expose students to the skills and processes that will enable them to become actively engaged in making meaning, discovering and therefore learning.
ANZAC Day Liturgy
On Tuesday 30 April we remembered the spirit of ANZAC with its courage, mateship and sacrifice. We are reminded of this past history of war, and we pray, in the future, that all people will work to make peace in our world. It is a day set aside each year to solemnly remember those who went to war to fight for their country's freedom. ANZAC Day is also a time to pray for peace and an end to all wars and fighting in the world.
A notable moment during the liturgy was the performance of the bugle rendition of the Last Post by Mr. Anthony Peirce, who is Mrs. Temple's father. We extend our gratitude to Anthony for his participation in this meaningful service.
Ode of Remembrance
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
Lest we forget.
May the spirit of ANZAC Day give us strength to strive
for peace in our world.
Mother’s Day
Honouring Mother's Day: Celebrating Love, Legacy, and Remembrance
As we approach Mother's Day, let our hearts be warm and grateful for the incredible women/special people who have graced our lives with their love, wisdom, and strength. This special day serves as a poignant reminder of mothers, grandmothers, and all maternal figures' and their profound impact on shaping who we are and the world around us.
For many of us, Mother's Day is a time of joyous celebration, an opportunity to express our deepest appreciation for the unwavering support and unconditional love that our mothers have bestowed upon us. It's a day filled with laughter, hugs, and heartfelt gestures as we strive to make our mums feel cherished and adored.
Mother's Day is a time to honour our mothers, both those who are with us today and those whose presence we carry in our hearts. We remember their laughter, warmth, and the countless ways they touched our lives with their love and wisdom. Though they may no longer walk beside us, their legacy endures in the memories we hold dear and the values they instilled within us.
We extend our deepest gratitude and love to all the mothers, grandmothers, and maternal figures — past, present, and future. May your Mother's Day be filled with joy, appreciation, and the warmth of cherished memories.
In the Catholic tradition, May is a special month dedicated to Mary. It is a time when believers unite to honour her through prayers (the rosary), devotions, and acts of love and service. As we pay tribute to Mary during this sacred month, let us reflect on the qualities that make her a beacon of light in our lives. Her unconditional love for her son Jesus and her unwavering trust in God's plan reminds us of the power of faith and the importance of surrendering ourselves to divine will.
May this month be a time of deep reflection and renewal as we honour Mary, the Mother of Jesus and spiritual mother to us all. Let us strive to emulate her virtues of love, humility, and compassion in our own lives, and may her guiding light illuminate our path towards a world filled with grace and peace.
With heartfelt blessings, I wish you all a very Happy Mother’s Day.
We look forward to seeing you for breakfast at 7:45am, followed by the Year 6 raffle and Mass at 9am.
Let us Pray:
God bless all mothers, grandmothers and those who are like mothers to us.
She carried you in her arms when you were a child.
She held your hand as you learned to walk.
She holds your hand when times are tough. She wipes away your tears,
eases your fears, takes pride in your achievements
and loves you unconditionally.
Semester 1 Reports
With the implementation of the new K-6 English and Mathematics Syllabus, the structure of the 2024 Reports will be different to past years. The English section of the report will include more graded components.
The semester 1 reports will outline "Areas of Achievement" and "Areas for Further Development," reflecting the curriculum outcomes addressed in English, Mathematics and Religious Education. Additionally, teachers will provide a general comment on students' learning and social behaviors.
The Semester 1 reports will be electronically distributed to parents/carers via Compass on Friday 21 June 2024. Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences will be held between Monday 24 June and Wednesday 26 June.
Term 2 School Uniform
On Monday of week 3, students will be transitioning to the winter school uniform. The school uniform of St Anthony's is unique and clearly identifies which school the students attend. The school uniform gives the students a sense of belonging to the St Anthony's community. I ask that you take the time each morning to ensure that your child is wearing the correct uniform and accessories.
Parent Volunteer Induction
We value our parent volunteers and the contribution they make to the school. We wish to reach out to parent helpers with excursions, carnivals, sports and school events.
We will be looking for volunteers to assist in a range of activities such as Athletics, Swimming Carnival, Excursions, St Anthony's Feast Day, Rainbow Race Day as well as Gala Days/Fun Days (throughout the year).
If you would like to be a parent volunteer at our school we are offering 2 sessions:
Wednesday 15 May
8:15-8:45am or 3:30-4pm in the Year 4 classroom
Tell Them From Me (TTFM)
As we continue to focus on school effectiveness, we are excited to announce that our school will be participating in the Tell Them From Me® (TTFM®) online survey. This survey aims to gather valuable feedback from parents, staff, and students about school life, engagement levels, and staff interactions.
The survey has been used by schools in Australia and around the world to improve their practices. We encourage all staff, parents, and students to take the time to participate in this survey, which will be available over the next few weeks.
Students from Years 4 - 6 will complete the survey during regular school hours. All participants will be provided with a random username and password to ensure complete anonymity. The survey takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.
While participation in the survey is voluntary, we believe that it will provide us with important data to improve our practices and ensure that we work together as a thriving Catholic community.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership in our school community.
Yours in Partnership
Anna Novak