GRIP Leadership Conference

The Junior School Captains and four Year 11 aspiring leaders were fortunate to attend the GRIP leadership conference at the Melbourne Convention Centre last week.
Students had the opportunity to network with fellow student leaders from schools across Melbourne and attend workshops to equip them with the knowledge and skills to make valuable changes in their own schools.
Here are some of the students’ reflections from the day:
“Being a leader requires an individual to be prepared to make sacrifices, like doing work without expecting anything in return”. – Arneiysh (Year 11)
“I hope our leadership team and I can introduce new ideas and events that we can implement into our school year. I really hope this will increase happiness and willingness to come to school and also improve our school environment and social culture all together as sports and other events are fundamental for building strong and positive bonds between students and also teachers. – Jiyaa Kaur (Year 11)
“We hope to create a positive community and show that leadership isn't always about having people to follow but have them by your side. At Highvale, we will strive to be role models for one another and for other students to build harmony”. – Riddhi (Year 11)
“I learnt that being a leader is about understanding that you are a voice for the people, not a 'boss' or 'decision maker' but a middleman to make things happen”. - Adam (Year 9)
From L-R: Riddhi J., Jiyaa Kaur C., Adam W., Calista D., Thisen W., Yong Rui F., Rosie C. and Arneiysh K.