HCC News and Announcements

Christway College Celebrates 25 Years!
You are invited as we celebrate 25 years of Christian Education at Christway College!
Uniform Changeover
Please be reminded that at the beginning of Term 2, there will be a uniform changeover period. Parents are asked to use their discretion as to which uniform is the most suitable for their child/ren to wear during the first two weeks of Term 2.
Canteen Term 2
Next term the canteen lunch orders are available on Thursdays and will start in Week 3 (3 May).
Prep to Grade 6: Primary students may only pre-order lunch orders via the Qkr! app (by Wednesdays 9.00am). No window service.
Year 7 to Year 12: Are welcome to order at the canteen window during recess and lunch breaks on Fridays.
Please note that there is a menu change in Term 2. Meatball Sub will no longer be available. New menu: Steamed chicken and vegetarian dumplings. Please see below for the Term 2 menu.
Prep 2025 Enrolments
If you have a child who will be starting in Prep at Christway College in 2025, please complete the Enrolment Application Form found HERE by the end of Term 1.
Enrolment interviews will take place in late Term 1 and early Term 2.
Alternatively contact our Enrolments Officer, Rebecca Bunyon at rebecca.bunyon@christway.vic.edu.au and she will send you the link. Thank you.
Year 7 2025 Enrolments
All our current Grade 6 students have a place reserved for them in Year 7 2025. The College will send out an email early in Term 2 requesting parents to accept this placement.
If you have a child who is not currently at Christway College and you intend to enrol them for Year 7 2025, please complete the Enrolment Application Form found HERE by the end of the term.
There are limited places for Year 7 2025, so we encourage you to do this ASAP.
Enrolment interviews will take place in late Term 1 and early Term 2.
Alternatively contact our Enrolments Officer, Rebecca Bunyon at rebecca.bunyon@christway.vic.edu.au and she will send you the link. Thank you.
Cafe Club 78: Wednesdays Lunch
Cafe Club 78 will be open every Wednesday at lunch to Year 7 and 8 students in the cafe area behind the auditorium (The Living Room).
Come and eat, read, play games, socialise.
Year 7 and 8 students may bring their devices for approved use (homework, coding, minecraft, quite games). See you there, students!
For more details, please speak with Mrs Dayna Chu or contact her at dayna.chu@christway.vic.edu.au.
Uniform Supplies Update
The Christway soft shell jacket (below) and College tie are now in stock at Belgravia.
Please click here to order.
Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)
The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund provides payments for eligible students to attend school camps, excursions, and sports and outdoor education programs. Please see below for more information and the CSEF application form should you need one.