Engaging in our Faith 

Clean Up Holy Family


"On Monday, 4 March we tidied up Holy Family by rummaging around the school looking for rubbish, especially plastic. Firstly, we watched a clip about cleaning up. It proved that if we littered all over the ground carelessly, sea animals will end up gobbling the rubbish! Now that is very bad, but this is even worse! Imaging having salmon for dinner and the salmon ate some plastic, you would eat the plastic, too."

By Danielle W. Year 3


"In my bag I had a plastic bottle, used tissue, finished lolly pop stick, plastic wrappers and more. I think that people are littering and not throwing things in the bin. If we throw our rubbish in the sea, then the sea animals could eat it. Not only that, but we also eat the sea animals, so we are actually eating plastic and rubbish. My Commitment: I will try and throw my rubbish in the bin so that animals don’t eat it. I also want to tell everyone to to throw rubbish in the bin, too!"

By Ashlyn L. Year 3


"I will put all my rubbish in the bin because littering is bad and so others don’t need to pick it up for me. If I see some rubbish, I will not walk away. I will straight away pick it up. If animals eat it, they will get sick and what if you ate it, you could get very sick."

Sophia L. Year 3


"I will really try to put my rubbish in the bin because turtles will eat it and they will die. What if you’re eating your delicious fish and it ate some plastic, you will probably get sick and that’s not what Saint Brigid would do."

Iris M. Year 3


Together, we demonstrated care for our common home. Thank you to all students and staff for your efforts. 


Kind regards

Liana Stella


Not sure how to pray? 

There are some great options for you as parents. Check out Lent Resources - IgnatianSpirituality.com to "take 5" while you are at the computer at work or when the kids have gone to bed. 


My favourite prayer app is Pray as you go - Pray as you go (pray-as-you-go.org) especiallyif you have a spare 15 minutes while you walk or drive or wait in the drive through queue, it is a great way to slow down, listen to music, hear some scripture and reflect on questions provided to you. It is a ministry offered by the Irish Jesuits. 

There are also lots of other choices in the "Other Prayers" tab on the app eg how to pray the Ignatian examen with your children - this is a way of looking back on their day and seeing where God was in it. Why not give it a go in Lent? It could change your life!


Lenten Show Bags?

Last week I went into the classrooms to give each Year 4 child a "Lenten Show Bag." and each Year one child a "Bury the Alleluia" envelope. Our St Brigid's group helped to pack them! If you are a parent in another year wanting some prayer options for your family and would like a Lenten show bag, please let me know via email. 



Sharing family mealtime is so important. Read why ...  https://raisingchildren.net.au/school-age/nutrition-fitness/family-meals/family-meals-tips#benefits-of-family-m

Thanks to ALL the parents who came to walk the Lenten Labyrinth! I was blown away by your engagement! It was a beautiful time to pray together with our children and be with God. One parent said, "that is just what I needed today." Special thanks to Mrs Stella who has been introducing sitting Christian meditation in all the classrooms. This was another form - walking Christian meditation. It is something that has been practised for centuries in the Catholic Church. Our hired labyrinth was modelled on the one set in marble in Chartres Cathedral in France! If you couldn't make it, I will lead it again after Sunday 10.15 am Mass. Your children were all so beautifully reverent as they walked it. 


Many thanks,

Anne Gray

Parent Engagement Coordinator