Messages from the Front Office

Girrawheen SHS - Celebrating 50 years!
Please see all the details o our 'Community Noticeboard' page.
Triple P Parenting Workshops
The Triple P and Child and Parent Centre teams are excited to offer a series of free online workshops for parents and carers. These sessions are open to families across the state. These workshops were arranged in response to increased demand for online programs and to assist parents in accessing Triple P where schools do not have access to a trained provider.
Instructions are provided on the flyer below regarding how to join the online meetings via Webex (please note that facilitators will be unable to assist with any technical issues during the workshop).
Workshops include:
- Doing well in high school - Thursday 7th March 7pm - 9pm
- Now you have started school (primary school focus) - Thursday 7th March 9.30am - 11.30am (repeat session)
- Learning to use the toilet - Monday 11th March 8pm - 10pm
- Learning to use the toilet - Tuesday 12th March 9.30am - 11.30am (repeat session)
- Learning to separate - Tuesday 19th March 8pm - 10pm
- Learning to separate - Wednesday 20th March 9.30am - 11.30am (repeat session)
Voluntary Contributions and Charges
Thank you to all families that have already paid their voluntary contributions and iMaths subscriptions, either via Campions or through the front office. If you are yet to make these payments we encourage you to come to the front office to make payment or via direct credit to the school bank account.
Reminder: If you are making direct deposits to the school account, can you please ensure that you provide a reference that includes the CHILD'S NAME AND YEAR GROUP to allow for timely processing.
For example: J Citizen yr 1
BSB: 066 040
Account: # 19905042
The school contributions and charges document that was issued to families in Term 4, 2023, lists how contributions are utilised within the school and also provides a schedule of additional anticipated costs by year group. Families are welcome to arrange a payment plan for any events such as year 6 camp. Feel free to contact the front office staff if you would like to put a payment arrangement in place.