First Quarter update by 5/6J

SJV Behaviour Code
- People feel safe
- Teachers can teach
- Students can learn
- We look after each other and our belongings
- We do our best
Want to know how 5/6 J unravelled the school behaviour code?
Read on to find out….
To kick start the year, we focused on unpacking the behaviour code to ensure everyone feels safe and is ready to learn at St John Vianney's.
First, we did a rotation activity in small groups which involved taking notes on how each of the above statements would ´feel like´, ´sound like´ and ´look like´. We then sorted out everyone's thoughts by grouping them. Finally we used Canva to publish these ideas. We are proud of our posters and have them displayed in the classroom.
What do you think? - Christina, Liam, Noura, Scarlett & Charlotte
Prayer Cloth
5/6 J have been involved in creating a class prayer cloth which will be used during prayer sessions throughout the year. Each student will have an opportunity to take the prayer cloth home and add a design with their family members. Mr Kumar has provided some examples, symbols for inspiration and special fabric markers that can be used to create our designs. - Yilong
For example, not all children are Catholic, so they would draw something that represents their religion or faith. Everyone is different and unique which reflects our school community. I drew a double headed eagle which is the symbol of my Greek Orthodox religion. I love how creative it looks. - Paris
I like the idea of the class prayer cloth because people get to share their different religions and beliefs with our community and we also get to learn more about each other. - Alec
How is your Lenten journey going?
5/6 J have made their Lenten promises and are underway!
Lent is a 40 day season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving that began on Ash Wednesday and will end on Holy Thursday. As part of our morning prayer routine, we have been watching stories by Project Compassion. The theme for this year is ‘For All Future Generations’. We have been thinking of the needs of others and praying for those that are less fortunate than us.
- Hannah, Destiny, Jayden & Isabelle
Paired Fluency
Have you ever heard of paired fluency?
In these extraordinary 5 weeks that have passed, 5/6J have been working on improving their reading fluency. We have been doing this by reading with a partner for 8 minutes (4 minutes each). We have been reading a new text each week and giving each other feedback based on accuracy, rate, expression, punctuation and phrasing. The texts that we have read so far have been related to our religion and writing units.
- Thot, Ayush, Matthew & Aiden
Resilience Project
As part of one of the Resilience Project lessons, 5/6J joined forces with their church-buddy class, Foundation P, to unpack what ‘gratitude’ looks like. The buddies from both classes discussed things they were grateful for and worked collaboratively to draw a picture each and label it. The students enjoyed their time with their buddies while building on skills needed to improve resilience.
Sentence Summary
Have you ever had to explain a piece of text to someone but it was too long?
Well, at the start of this year, we learned how to create sentence summaries.
The topic of our sentences was Biology. We used expansion words such as ‘who/what, did/will do, when, where, how and why’ to help us locate important facts in a passage. We then used those facts to create a sentence instead of a paragraph.
Check out these examples:
- A consumer eats plants and animals because they cannot make their own food. -Anthony
- Plants use photosynthesis by combining carbon dioxide, water and the sun to make glucose and oxygen. - Tabatha
- Butterflies and moths go through a process called metamorphosis but grasshoppers, crickets, dragonflies and cockroaches don’t go through metamorphosis. - Angelynn
- The giraffe has developed a long neck and tongue to grab leaves from tall trees so it can eat and survive. - Steven