Dear Families,
NAPLAN starts next Wednesday for Year 3 & 5.
The dates are 13th–25th March.
It is for all grade 3 and grade 5 students and includes writing, reading, language conventions and numeracy. Please know your children are prepared through the school and it not something to be concerned about. If you are worried or your child is stressed about this testing please advise their classroom teacher.
NAPLAN helps governments, education authorities and schools to see whether young Australians are reaching important literacy and numeracy goals. It provides information about how education programs are working, areas for improvement, and which schools need support in the teaching and learning of literacy and numeracy.
At SJV we are constantly assessing your children and so this is just another piece of data to ensure we have a full picture about how your child learns and to understand where they are in relation to their peers and the Victorian Curriculum. Their teachers use this and other assessment data to plan and deliver a targeted program that reflects our students needs.