Principal Post

 Dear Families,

This Friday we celebrate International Womens Day. On behalf of all our community we thank  the many women within our community for all they do for family, our school and the wider community. We thank you for the people you are, for your love given  to your families and for the contributions made to our school, workplaces and community. 

We pray for women who  are vunerable,  for those who are unwell and for those who struggle and grieve. May God's compassion be with you.  

Closure Day  - Staff Faith Formation 

This Friday our staff will be involved in a Faith Formation Day facilitated by Fr Elio Capra. The staff will be exploring how to enhance the school's Catholic identity in the context of the 21st Century. I hope that this will be productive and reflective day for our staff. 

This is Friday before the Labour Day long weekend.

Open Day Tours

Our Tours  for prospective families continued today  with another formal tour next Tuesday 12th March.  Formal Tours  9:15am and 10:15am.

 Please tell your friends from Kinder/ neighbourhood to come for a visit.

For full list of Open Days please refer to 2024 Open Days Page in this edition.

School Advisory Council 

The School Advisory Council will meet for the first time this year next Wednesday. (5:30pm in Reception Boardroom)

Our first meting will be an induction led by Simon Stevens from the MACS team.

The members of the council are the following parent representatives :

Maria Smith - Chair

Han Le

Leigh Baldry 

John Osborne

Ben Hon 

School  representatives: Jenny Willmott and myself

Parish: Fr David 

The  School Advisory Council are an important vechile for consultation between parish, school and parents. 

They do not share in governance resposibilites, but act as a connection point between  the wider school community and school leaders. The board inform and advise the Principal and school Leadership.

If you wish to communicate with the  Council please do so at   

Positive Behaviour for Learning

SJV has  also begun working with the Positive Behaviour for Learning team. As part of the process we are finding out what values  our teachers, students and families think are most important to them. The three top values will help us to form a School Behaviour Matrix. Please fill in the Survey by clicking the link to tell us what you are thinking in terms of values. It is important that we work together.



Easter is Coming! 

Thanks to all students  who bought in a  chocolate Easter Egg to school on Monday.


If you were not able, please bring in an Easter egg (no nuts) as soon as possible.  These eggs will be collected for our Easter Hunt on the March 25th for all the students. 

Each family  should have receieved a  Raffle book along with a list of  Prizes which  will be drawn at our Assembly on the 25th March. 


My thanks to the P&F team for their organisation. 

Meet & Greet Interviews

Yesterday we had a successful start to our Meet & Greet Interviews. The purpose of the Meet & Greet Interviews is to provide an opportunity for parents to meet with the class teacher, to share information about their child and for the class teacher to provide feedback on the beginning of year assessments. 

Meet & Greet interviews will continue today from 3:30pm-6:00pm.  If you have not made a time to meet with your child's class teacher please contact the teacher directly to arrange a suitable time.

2025 Foundation Enrolments

If you have a child starting school next year (2025) please ensure that 

  1. You have responded to the SMS sent on Monday 26th February
  2. Completed the enrolment forms sent home with your eldest child
  3. Returned your child's enrolment documentation to the office by Wednesday 13th March.

If you did not receive Enrolment documentation please email ASAP!

 John Hannah House

There was a real buzz in the staff room this week when the residents from John Hannah House came to visit 5/6J. The students  introduced the residents to our school theme for this year -  'We Are God's Hands' and worked in collaboration with the residents to create an art piece! 


In the effort to learn more about the residents and their life stories, the students asked the residents questions about their interests, backgrounds and families while tracing around their hands. The children and residents then worked together to capture some of their conversations inside the traced hands and decorated them with words and symbols. These hands were then cut out and put together with the hands of the students from 5/6J to create a wonderful masterpiece.


Canteen News 

Please note 

  • The cut off time for ordering is 7.00AM on each day.
  • 22nd March- No canteen