Dates to Remember

Friday 8th - Student Closure Day/ Faith Formation PL for staff
Monday 11th - Catholic Education Week starts
Monday 11th - Labour Day Public Holiday - no school
Tuesday 12th - Open Day Tours 9:15am &10:15am
Wednesday 13th - NAPLAN begins (grade 3 writing and language conventions and grade 5 writing and )
Thursday 14th - NAPLAN(grade 3 reading and grade 5 reading)
Friday 15th - NAPLAN (grade 3 mathematics and grade 5 mathematics)
Saturday 16th - Reconciliation Sacrament Celebration 11am
Monday 18th -eSmart week begins
Monday 18th - Friday 23rd NAPLAN catch up
Monday 18th - Year 1/2 Myuna Farm Excursion
Tuesday 19th - Open Day
Thursday 21st - Harmony Day (dress up in cultural dress or in orange)
Thursday 21st - National Close the Gap Day
Monday 25th - John Hannah House
Wednesday 27th - Pizza with the Principal night 6pm - 7.30pm
Thursday 28th - Holy Thursday Term finishes at 1pm.
2024 Closure Dates (Pupil Free Day)
Friday 8th March - Faith Formation PL for Staff
Friday 26th April - The day after ANZAC Day
Friday 28th June - Maths PL for Staff
Friday 18th October - School Review Preparation
Monday 4th November - Cup Day Eve
Friday 6th December - 2025 Planning Day
2024 Camp Dates
Year 5&6 Camp Phillip Island Adventure Camp
Monday May 20th - Wednesday 22nd May
2024 Term Dates
Term 1:
Thursday February 1st - Years F-6 full time
8:45am start
Term 1 Concludes on Thursday 28th March
Term 2: Begins Monday April 15th
Concludes - Thursday June 27th
Term 3: Begins Monday July 15th
Concludes Friday 20th September
Term 4: Begins Monday October 7th
Concludes for students Tuesday 17th December