Camps & Pathways Week

Camps and Pathways Week (Monday 18 March – Friday 22 March 2024)
Camps and Pathways Week provides many exciting and challenging opportunities for the students of Nossal to learn and develop outside the confines of the traditional classroom.
Students are faced with a variety of activities and situations with the desired outcomes of building leadership, respectful relationships with others, independence and resilience.
During this week the Year 9 students travel to Roses Gap (Tuesday 19 March – Friday 22 March) and the Year 12 cohort camp at Lord Somers (Wednesday 20 March – Friday 22 March). Years 10 and 11 students engage in careers-based activities (refer to the program below).
Years 10 and 11 students should now be seeing their Pathways program appearing on their Compass schedule. Students and parents/carers should also have received notification of some of these events that require either parental approval or parental approval / payment. At the end of 2023 students elected whether to engage in a VET program or volunteering.
VET courses are extremely useful as they provide students with new knowledge and skills relating to the specific course that they are completing, whilst also providing registered certification that can be added to resumes when seeking a job.
Students will be briefed about these events in the coming weeks. Specific details for each event including what students need to wear or bring with them is included in each event description. Please note that there are also varied start and finish times for these activities.
If you have any questions please email