PFA News

PFA Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Our 2024 AGM is scheduled on Wednesday 6 March at 7:00pm at the school.
We encourage you to attend the meeting and express interest if you would like to be a part of 2024 PFA committee.
All current positions will be open for any PFA member to nominate. If more than one-person express interest for a position, it will be decided by vote.
The committee roles are as follows:
- President
- Vice President / Communications Coordinator
- Treasurer
- Secretary
Please reach out to us if you would like to discuss or know more on any of the committee roles.
Reminder on PFA registration:
All PFA members (existing and new) are requested to complete their PFA Yearly Induction Registrations.
We welcome any new members and appreciate all contributions from our amazing parents and friends. If you would like to Join the PFA and be part of this vibrant school community group, please scan the QR code below and register with PFA. Alternatively, please reach out to Shankar Ramadas Email:
Ph: 0423125892 and we will send you the PFA forms.
Feel free to reach out for a chat if you want to know more!
Uniform Shop
The PFA second-hand Uniform Shop is open on the first Monday of each month (during school terms), as well as the first day of each term.
Following are the dates the second-hand Uniform Sop will be open this year:
- March 4th
- March 25th (Winter)
- April 15th
- May 6th
- June 3rd
- July 15th
- August 5th
- September 2nd (Summer)
- October 7th
- December 11th @ 10 AM
(Year 9 2025 Orientation Day)
The shop is located in the Fitness Centre at the rear of the northern (Jean Russell Centre) carpark.
Donations of uniform are very welcome and can be left at Reception.
Sarath Purushothaman