Literacy and Numeracy Homework Requirements
Students in years 8-10 have completed diagnostic assessments through Education Perfect (EP) which has generated an individualised homework program based on the students individual learning needs. As per the SCSC homework policy students are expected to complete the following number of hours across the term on your literacy and numeracy tasks depending on the year level. NB: Yr 9 have a shorter period in term 1 due to NAPLAN.
- Year 8 = 45 minutes each of literacy and numeracy
- Year 9 = 60 minutes each of literacy and numeracy
- Year 10 = 60 minutes each of literacy and numeracy
SURF teachers will be monitoring student progress throughout the term and students will be requested for ‘catch up’ on Wednesday’s if they are falling behind.
Students should start completing these tasks ASAP. If students are not sure where to start, they can check out this handy SCREEN RECORDING that highlights how to get to their tasks.
Regards, Andrea Loving.
Numeracy Learning Specialist.
Art Academy
In the art department, we have kicked off our Art Academy, which is run every Wednesday afternoon. We still have a couple of places left, so if you have a passion for Art, we strongly encourage you to join in the fun!
Tech Support - Introduction
Hello, I’m Shaun Miller, my role is Digital Learning Specialist at Surf Coast Secondary College, this means I support our community to get the most out of our digital systems and learning data in a safe and informed manner.
This post is just a quick introduction, as I will be regularly communicating ideas and news relevant to the school's digital systems and digital learning. These posts will contain links, videos and information as appropriate, all of which will be available on an individual website for you to access at any given point. You’ll find a link to that space below.
Something that we are really excited about is supporting our students to engage in their learning data in a hands-on manner. Over the coming weeks they’ll be tracking and interpreting their assessments while learning how to maintain and interact with spreadsheets. I’ve included a screenshot of the types of things they’ll be able to do below and you will get a chance to engage with it more as they have more data and results available.
The page where all posts are stored is -
Regards, Shaun Miller.
Digital Learning Specialist.
Library News
The friendship bracelet craze hit the library a couple of weeks ago and we spent break times making bracelets. One of the most popular activities we have had to date, although messy it was wonderful to see everyone come together from all different year levels. This will now become a Thursday lunch time activity.
Trivia is back!
If you haven’t yet, get your team together and come along Friday lunchtime for our weekly trivia. Trivia starts at 12:45pm. There will be prizes at the end of each term for the team on top of the scoreboard.
Activities for Break Times
We have come up with a schedule for activities in the library so you know what is happening each day:
Monday: Lego Club
Tuesday: Card and board games
Wednesday: Tech day! Osmo will be out and our little robot Cosmo
Thursday: Bracelet making
Friday: Trivia