We have had a busy first half of the term in the grade 5/6 team. We have been continuing to learn about working as a community throughout our lessons, and specifically in our integrated topic Democracy, STEM and Respectful Relationships program.
In grade 5/6 we have STEM fortnightly. Our challenge this week was to build a bridge for our Bee-bots. We could use a variety of materials such as masking tape, building blocks and straws. Our students were very creative and came up with many different kinds of bridges. Once their Bee-bot could make it along their bridge, they then set more difficult challenges for their robot.
Experimenting different kinds of bridges
Using a variety of materials
Experimenting different kinds of bridges
Using a variety of materials
Integrated Studies: Democracy
After the parliament incursion, we delved deeper into the three levels of parliament. We learnt about the roles specific to local, state and federal parliament. We built triaramas, each side presenting the different jobs designated to each level of government.
Respectful Relationships
This week we explored the impact of power in relationships. We learnt the importance of setting tasks that are achievable for other people and asking them to do things that you would also want to do. This activity allowed us to practice and explore how we want to be treated by others and how we should treat others when collaborating within the wider community.