From the 3/4 Classrooms

Our main focus for Maths in term 1 is Number and Place Value. Having a solid understanding in number underpins all aspects of Maths. We explore and learn Number and Place Value in a number of ways, including hands on games, where students will need to communicate with others, read their number aloud, use strategies to make the 'biggest' or 'smallest' number and apply their skills and understanding.
We wanted to share some of these games with you that you could play at home. Ask your child to share the rules, demonstrate the game and enjoying learning together!
Maths Mastermind
- One person writes down a number on a piece of paper and keeps it hidden from others (you could start with a 4 or 5 digit number)
- Ask the other people at home to guess a number and then write their number on a piece of paper or whiteboard
- Place an ‘x’ next to incorrect numbers, ‘?’ next to numbers in wrong place value and a tick next to number in correct place value
- Continue until all digits are correct, writing the guessed numbers in a column under each other
Make a Number
You can play this game with a deck or cards (games requires 2 sets of Ace, 2, 3.....9) or dice.
This game is to be played with a partner. The aim of the game is to get the highest number.
To play the game take turns to draw one card, or roll the dice once. You are going to make a 4 digit number (or higher if you wish). After selecting a card or rolling the dice, select if you are going to put your card in the thousands, hundreds, tens or ones place.
After each player has turned 4 cards, or rolled the dice four times, the player with the highest number wins. For each round, the player with the highest number scores points worth the difference between the two numbers made.
Play the game for at least 5 rounds. The player with the highest score wins.
This is a 3 player game using a deck of cards. The aim is to end up with the largest number.
Players take in turns to draw playing cards from the pile to create a 3, 4 or 5 digit number under the headings (TTh Th H T O) spaced out evenly (Note: Ace refers to ONE, and 10 refers to ZERO).
The twist is that if face cards are drawn, they can sabotage other players.
Jack - sabotage ONE other player's number by switching one card. (Eg opponent has 8 _ 6 _ 2, they can switch the 2 and 8 so the number has become 20000 rather than 80000)
Queen - sabotage BOTH other players' numbers.
King - sabotage BOTH other players' number AND fix your own number.
When all 3, 4 or 5 digits are complete for all players, students read out and write down their numbers.
Place Value Bingo
We also played whole class Place Value Bingo. Each student had a different Bingo card and counters. They would have to listen carefully to the numbers the teacher reads out to see if they had the number on their card. There was a lot of excitement and a buzz in the room whilst this was in play!
Some ideas to extend the numbers produced in the games played are:
- ordering the numbers from smallest to largest
- writing the numbers in word format (eg. 2170 is two thousand one hundred and seventy)
- identifying if the number is odd or even
We hope you enjoy playing these games at home!
Team 3/4 Teachers