From the 1/2 Classrooms

Surf Lifesaving Speaker Incursion
As part of the Integrated Studies Unit - Community – Places and Spaces, students are learning about what to do in an emergency situation and the services in the community that can help us. Last Tuesday, the students enjoyed a Surf Lifesaving Speaker Incursion, presented by Lifesaver Rick, who has been a volunteer lifesaver for over 30 years at Gunnamatta Surf Life Saving Club. Rick has also organised and run the Nipper program at the club.
Before the incursion students brainstormed what they knew about the role of a surf lifesaver and developed their questioning skills by generating (open ended) questions to find out more information.
A sample of the questions:
- How do you become a surf lifesaver?
- How can people get a surf lifesaver’s attention when they’re in trouble?
- What do you do when someone gets into trouble in the water?
- Do you use special tools or vehicles?
- Why do we have to swim between the flags?
- How do you know where to put the flags?
Students learned about the importance of swimming between the red and yellow flags, what to do in an emergency situation at the beach, how to Identify surf lifesavers who can help you and the role of a lifeguard.
After the incursion students completed a reflection activity to assist them with their understanding of the topic and knowledge assimilation.
Kind regards,
Maryanne Cozzio, Llaaneath Poor, Karin Tsiandikos-Huf and Paula Paziotis