Performing Arts

Below is a summary of what has been happening in Performing Arts the past two weeks:
Year 5/6 students have finished their sound effects task, and it sounds great!
They will now move on to learning the ukulele, and will start by practicing smooth transitions between the chords C, Am, G, and F. We will then learn how to use these four chords on the ukulele to accompany various genre of songs, including pop, folk and traditional songs.
It was great to see in the past two weeks so many students breaking out of their comfort zone to act out different drama forms. Students will now focus on building their understanding and practice of the theatrical element of voice and language. We will be playing drama games and activities that helps students practice how to control their voices, body and facial expression well. This is important in drama to effectively portray character and plot.
The year 2 students came up with some very creative dance moves related to the beach: Cracking coconuts, seaweeds floating on the ocean, playing volleyball at the name a few. Starting next week, the year 2s will start building a dance diary for the rest of the term. At the start of each Performing Arts lesson, they will be asked to record dances that they have observed in the past week.
Parents are encouraged to observe along and discuss with your child at home dances that occur during daily life - a younger sibling dancing to baby shark, people on the streets dancing to a street performer, disco club at school...the list goes on. This is a great exercise to help younger students recognise the important role that dance plays in our everyday lives.
Foundation and year 1 students continue to explore the elements of dance and practice safe dance routines. Last week, we held a mini competition in Performing Arts where students split into groups and performed for each other. Students took this chance to practice being good performers and audiences.