A message from the Principal

It isn't often that my job involves looking at Parliamentary transcripts from Hansard but this week our local MP Nina Taylor, stood up in the State Parliament and said the following;


The St Kilda Park Primary School fete was on the Saturday just past. Again I was happy to support the cake stall. Again there were amazing rides, creative arts – decorated pots and make-up and wonderful things – and live performances. Yes, I offered to be dunked. I was not fully dunked – I do not know – but I was submerged, and I would argue that fulfills the purpose. In any case, it was a brilliant fete again, and it was wonderful to see such beautiful connection amongst our wonderful community.


Saturday's fete was a huge success on every level and it is testament to this that our event was raised in parliament!

I want to thank you all for coming along and being a part of things - to the co-ordinators, the volunteers, the performers, the silent-auction bidders, the face painters, the carnival riders, the cake-buyers and many more.


It was such a fun day and it was amazing to see so many SKiPPS families and wider community members coming along, staying for a long time and having fun.

The weather was absolutely perfect and the food, rides, stalls, entertainment all worked out so well. I want to thank Bec Walton, one of our Fete committee for taking these beautiful photos.


Whilst we are still counting money and waiting for financial reports, early signs are that we hugely exceeded our fundraising goals - meaning we will be able to proceed with a new basketball court surface later in the year.

Later in the newsletter we start the process of thanking the many people that made the fete possible but I realise that this task is probably impossible as it was such a collective effort. 


Nina's speech did well to highlight what i thought was the best part of the day - the community connection. As well as almost every school family and student, it was wonderful to open the gates and welcome in other local families, ex-students, parents and staff members, passing dog-walkers and tourists. Their feedback was lovely to hear. 

Running a school tour on Tuesday for prospective 2025 SKiPPS families, it was great to see how many had come along to the fete, had a wonderful time and left with a really high opinion of our school culture, our students and our whole community.


If you were at the fete, like Nina you will know how brilliant it was and how it demonstrated the beautiful connection amongst our wonderful community


If you missed out, we will start planning the 2026 fete soon and we invite you to get involved!

Neil Scott
