Acting Principal's Message-

Donna Geritz

Dear College Community,


In my limited time at the College, I am pleased to say that I have been impressed with the student cohort and their engagement in learning, participation in activities outside of the classroom and their general level of positive behaviours and attitudes.

The school year has started smoothly with approx. 1100 students already well into their learning cycles across the college. Priorities for the college remain focussed on Learning and Wellbeing, establishing rapport with students and building connections.

Annual Implementation Plan (AIP)

The Annual Implementation Plan priorities for the 2024 school year, determined by DET and the College are:



Support both those who need extra support and those who have thrived to continue to extend.



Effectively mobilise available resources to support students' wellbeing and mental health.


Staff will be focussing their professional learning and planning time on developing resources and implementing strategies outlined in the AIP. Each of these strategies are designed to improve student engagement and learning outcomes.

Feedback on our Plan and Goals

Look out for your opportunity to give the College some feedback on these goals at the end of each term via a quick survey. Links and information will be published in the next COG at the end of Term 1.


Similar surveys will give students and staff a voice in how the college’s priorities are progressing, and I encourage as many of you as possible to complete the surveys each term. They will only take around 3 minutes each. We value your input and perspective greatly.


Learning and Values

The College’s Values of Community, Ownership and Growth (COG) have been a focus in these first weeks, with many students already receiving Positive Behaviour Entries (green posts) in Compass around demonstration of those values.


McClelland College strives to be an inclusive learning community that caters for the development of the whole person, allowing them to reach their full potential. Our aim is for every child to experience growth and success.


CATs will be visible shortly in Compass and student progress towards academic growth will be published with feedback at that time.

Wellbeing – Attendance Focus

I would like to thank all parents and carers for your support with ensuring students have their equipment, uniform and are arriving on time each day to school. As a mother of two young girls myself, I appreciate the challenges of getting students up and ready for school.

What we do know however, is that absences and lateness disrupt the learning sequences and can contribute to anxiety about school when students fall behind. It important to make every day an attendance day. There is no ‘safe’ number of days for missing school – each day a student misses puts them behind and can affect their educational outcomes and their social connectedness.


Top Attendance Tips for Parents/Carers

McClelland College wants to work in partnership with parents and carers. We ask you to act early if you have any concerns by contacting the relevant year level team members for advice and support. Other tips include;

· Talking positively about school and the importance of attending every day.

· Open and prompt communication with the college about all absences is a good idea.

· Avoid making routine medical and dental appointments during the school day or planning family holidays during the term.

· Seek help from your school if you are concerned about your child’s attendance and wellbeing.



Morning Bell Reminder

8:40am - Warning Bell (Students should be heading to lockers and organising equipment)

8:50am – Period 1 (Students expected to be at classroom door, ready with equipment)


On the gate each morning I am privy to seeing most students managing these expectations well. For the small number who are more regularly late, the college would like to discussion supports and ways to address this issue with you in coming weeks.

Road Safety

At this time of year, it is imperative we remind our students of the importance of road safety. It is important that students are encouraged to use the pedestrian crossings where available and to obey road rules, in particular if your student is travelling by bike or scooter.

Drop Offs/Pick Ups

With drop offs and pickups at the front of the college, it is important that cars do not pull up or park in the restricted zones and a reminder that there is no drop off or turn around access in the Administration Car Park. Students are reminded that there is no access via the car park and all students are to enter via the main Front Gate. The College appreciates your support in this matter.

Annual Privacy Reminder

McClelland College collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the School’s Privacy Policy. Please take time to remind yourself of the school’s collection statement, found on our website.

Swimming Sports

Congratulations to “Gold” on their win at the College swimming carnival. An amazing day was had by all who attended, even with the typical Melbourne weather of rain and clouds. There was great atmosphere, face painting, swimming and water slides. Thank you to Mr Watson and all staff for the great running of the day.