A Message from the Education Director

Dear Woodville Gardens Community,


I would like to congratulate Mr Kristian Mundy who has won the role of Principal, Woodville Gardens B-6.


The role was advertised nationally and had an exceptionally strong field of candidates.


Kristian has extensive experience in the Principal role in South Australia, most recently as Principal Woodcroft PS , with responsibility for over 500 students. Kristian brings significant experience in working with educators to develop a strong school culture, enabling and supporting others to achieve outcomes for children and young people.  Kristian has strong ties to the west attending Woodville High School as a student and growing up in the Rosewater area. 


Kristian is planning on visiting Woodville Gardens in the next few weeks to meet staff and students.


I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge Scott and the leadership team for their on-going support, quality leadership and professionalism.  I hold the work they have led and the way they have led with high regard.


Wishing you all the best for the remainder of 2024.




Paul Newman

Education Director