
Exciting News from Year 8s!


We are thrilled to share that Year 8A and 8B recently had a special reward for their outstanding performance and hard work in Spanish class. As a celebration of their improvement, the students participated in a cooking class where 8A made delicious "Arepas," a traditional Colombian dish and 8B made "quesadillas" a delicious Mexican dish.

The cooking session was a fantastic experience, and the students were highly engaged throughout the process. They demonstrated impressive teamwork and enthusiasm while preparing the Arepas and Quesadillas. It was a great opportunity for them to apply their Spanish language skills in a real-world context and learn about Colombian and Mexican cuisine.

We are incredibly proud of their achievements and continuous progress. As we move forward, we look forward to exploring and learning more about Spanish-speaking countries, in ways that complement and enrich our Spanish curriculum. 

Keep up the fantastic work, Year 8s!


Miss GG.

Gracias 🙂