Community Flyers

Corryong Basketball registrations are open!
Follow the below link to register your child.
Should you have any questions, the committee can be contacted on the below email address.
Victorian Virtual Emergency Department
Have you heard about the Victorian Virtual Emergency Department?
This is a fantastic virtual service should you require access to a Doctor or Nurse for non-life treathening emergencies. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via a video call from the comfort of your own home.
Towong Shire Latest News
Free 3D Creative Writing Workshop: A Two-Day Creative AdventureThese school holidays step into the future with an immersive virtual reality workshop! Over two exciting days, participants will embark on a journey to create a futuristic storyline using cutting-edge technology.Led by virtual reality specialists, Parallel Wilds, attendees will work collaboratively to shoot footage in an outdoor location using a 360-degree camera. Then, with the help of special software, they'll craft a virtual environment complete with audio and a soundtrack.
When: Monday 30 September - Tuesday 1 October
Time: Monday - 11:00am - 4:00pm, Tuesday: 9:30am - 2:30pm
Where: Nariel Valley Recreation Reserve
Recommended ages 12 +
No prior experience is necessary, spaces are limited!
For more information, contact Council at or 1300 365 222