Student Awards - Term 3

September "I Believe"
FOUNDATION B - Shakira C for believing in herself and her friends, by cheering them on, helping them when they need it, and showing kindness to all. Thank you for making Foundation B so comforting!
FOUNDATION G - Luke J for his focus, attentive listening and enthusiastic participation during our concert practices. Well done, Luke!
FOUNDATION L - Ava R for your dedication, effort, and pride demonstrated during concert rehearsals. Keep up the fantastic work!
FOUNDATION L - Harvey C for showing remarkable resilience by stepping onto the stage with courage and determination on concert night.
YEAR 1/2E - Daniel L for practising our concert dance while on holidays and returning to school with a 'can do' attitude during concert rehearsals.
YEAR 1/2E - Emilia N for the focus, energy and commitment she displays during learning tasks and the way she always encourages and supports her classmates.
YEAR 1/2PH - Miller B for carefully planning and writing a draft for his narrative story.
YEAR 1/2PH - Adriana L for enthusiastically participating in the school concert performance. You were outstanding!
YEAR 1/2D - Lannah V for displaying dedication toward her learning and being respectful during prayer sessions.
YEAR 1/2D - Isaac C for displaying a passion for learning and working cooperatively with peers.
YEAR 1/2K - Emily O for showing faith in God and a heart for prayer.
YEAR 1/2K - Steryios V for consistently recognising the value of learning and tirelessly striving to do your best.
YEAR 1/2M - Wilson K for believing in himself when learning the dance moves during our concert practices. Well done, Wilson!
YEAR 1/2M - Teddy D for demonstrating confidence and believing in herself and her abilities during concert practice. Well done, Teddy!
YEAR 1/2FM - Kyle C for always being so reverent in our morning prayer. You are a superstar Kyle! Keep it up! ⭐️
YEAR 1/2FM - Benjamin N for believing in himself and performing with amazing confidence and excitement at our concert. Well done Benji, you made everyone proud with your enthusiasm and talent. Way to go Superstar! ⭐
YEAR 3/4B - Ethan D for writing a really interesting narrative about a group of friends that got shrunk! Well done Ethan.
YEAR 3/4C - Gabby L for always doing her best in class, and happily helping others with their work. Keep it up Gabby!
YEAR 3/4C - Oscar F for believing that 'to be the best' you have to 'do your best'. Keep it up Oscar!!
YEAR 3/4S - Henry T for the kind and respectful way he interacts with his teachers and peers, always encouraging and showing care to all. Thank you Henry!
YEAR 3/4S - Elinam C for the commitment and dedication she has shown throughout practising for the concert. You showed persistence and leadership in your role in the cast and dance Eli, thank you!
YEAR 3/4KC - Ayla E for embracing all her learning with such interest, committment and enjoyment!
YEAR 3/4M - Kai A for his exceptional manners, respectfulness, and outstanding organisational skills! Keep up the awesome work Kai!
YEAR 3/4M - Campbell K for showing enormous courage to push through his nerves and perform at the concert. We are all proud of you Campbell.
YEAR 5/6K - Andre S for putting in a great effort with the production practise. For trying your best. Great work!
YEAR 5/6K - Amogh M for your brilliant efforts preparing for the school production and your enthusiasm on the evening. Great work, Amogh! You have been working so hard!
YEAR 5/6MV - Bradley D for all of the hard work you have put into helping others with their Saints & Heroes projects. Your class support and collaboration has been amazing, thank you Bradley.
YEAR 5/6MV - Juliette M for all of the hard work you have put in and being an excellent collaborator with your partners for your Inquiry Project. We think you’re doing an amazing Job, Juliette!
YEAR 5/6R - Oscar B for the dedication and enthusiasm he has shown towards rehearsing for our school production this year. You are a wonderful role model and leader for our class. Can't wait to see you shine on the night!
YEAR 5/6S - Kingsley J for the focus and dedication you have been showing towards your learning this term and the generous way you share your ideas and knowledge with your peers. Keep up the brilliant work Kingsley!
YEAR 5/6S - Kynan A for the enthusiastic and organised way he has approached his learning this term. He has embraced every learning opportunity with positivity and dedication. Keep up the great work Kynan!
YEAR 5/6P - Isaac F for being a great support when collaborating with his peers by sharing, listening and exploring the ideas of others. Thank you for helping to enrich our learning community.