R.E. News

Religious Education Dates for 2024
- Wednesday 23rd October - Eucharist Reflection Day
- Thursday 24th October - Reconciliation at 11:40am and practise
- Saturday 26th October - Sacrament of First Eucharist mass at 6pm
- Sunday 27th October - Sacrament of First Eucharist mass at 9:30am
Whole School Mass/Events
- Friday 25th October - St Francis Blessing of the animals service from 9am to 9:15am
- Monday 11th November - Remembrance Day service at 10:55am
- Thursday 12th December - Year 6 Graduation at 6pm
- Friday 13th December - End of School Mass at 9am
Children’s Liturgy
The reintroduction of Children's Liturgy at St Mark's Church is up and running and looking for more volunteers!
The Children's Liturgy provides a great opportunity for primary aged children to engage with the gospel in a way that is accessible and meaningful to them. It runs every Sunday at the St Mark's 9:30am mass during school terms. At the start of mass the Children’s Liturgy adult leaders take the primary school age children into the hall for a small lesson and activity about the gospel of the day. Parents are welcome to join the session if they would like. If any parents are interested in volunteering to help with the Sunday sessions, please email Andrew Davies - andrew@smdingley.catholic.edu.au
Gospel Reflection by Fr Michael Tate
Marginal people
Jesus was well aware of the constant temptation for the leaders amongst his followers to be conditioned by the surrounding social and political structures. So, when he became aware that his disciples were disputing ‘who is the greatest’, he decided to teach them a lesson by engaging in some counter-cultural street theatre.
Jesus saw a young boy on the edge of the crowd and beckoned him into the middle of his group of disciples. This was not because of some sentimental idea that all kids are little innocents, but because in his society, children were absolutely at the bottom of the social scale. Jesus moved an utter nobody from the margins of society to the centre, challenging his disciples to change their perspective.
This challenge is made to all of us. We must identify those on the margins, some of whom we have quite literally dis-located like indigenous communities or asylum seekers, and bring them into the centre of our concern. There may be pain, personal and social, in changing perspective.
We might pause for a moment to pray for a new way of seeing, for perseverance in re-locating someone in the centre of our concerns, for the graceful insight that in welcoming that person we have welcomed Christ.
We thank you Lord, for this term.
For our challenges, our successes, and the mistakes from which we have learnt. Be with us as we spend our time with family and friends.
Give us strength and courage to do what is right: to be witnesses of our faith. Help us to be a practical Christian these holidays, to appreciate what others do for us, to give time and effort to help others. To be peacemakers in our family.
Keep us safe in our activities; give us good rest and good fun.
Bring us back refreshed and ready for a new term.
We thank you for our classmates, teachers, parents and a community that cares for us.
May we always be conscious of you in our lives.