By Dave Young

Dear Parents and Carers,


The school has been a buzz over the last few weeks as we prepare for our very first 

Celebration of the Arts evening early in Term 4 (October 14). We have an exciting evening planned with our Gym and Performing Arts precinct draped in art work from every student in the school. There will be performances and interactive activities for everyone to enjoy throughout the night. Please stay tuned for more details about this event closer to the date.


As we head towards the September holiday period, we take some time to reflect on the term. Some highlights included, but are not limited to:

  • The Swimming Program for Year 1/2  and Year 5/46
  • The continuation of the Young Authors Program.
  • Incursions, including Responsible Pet Ownership and multiple visits from our local fire brigade.
  • The creation of our Yarning Circle.
  • The Tomodachi Groups with our cross-age groups.
  • An Emergency Evacuation Practise or two.
  • Visits from Journey and Lucas Kinder students.
  • Sporting teams representing the school in basketball and athletics.
  • 100 days of school celebrations for our Prep students.
  • Book Week celebrations with a dress up day and a Harry Potter video.
  • The whole school disco event.
  • We celebrated our indigenous culture with student participation in the Bullon Gali program.
  • The installation of a whole school heating and cooling system.
  • The beginning work for two new double story portables and toilet modules.
  • Welcoming many new students and their families to the Lucas community.


All of this on top of ensuring high quality classroom learning was maintained. As this is the last newsletter for Term 3, thanks to all parents and guardians for the support during the last ten weeks and we look forward to a positive final term when all students return on Monday October 7.



Staffing Update

In Term 4 we will be saying farewell to a number of staff who begin a period of family leave but at the same time welcoming new staff who will be continuing the great work that has been started in 2024,

Although we will be wishing our departing staff our best wishes closer to their finishing date, the following staff will be joining the Lucas team in Term 4.

Zina Hijniakov - Zina joins us from the western suburbs of Melbourne where she has been teaching middle and senior year students. Zina will be taking over from Mrs Andrews early in Term 4.

Grace Taylor - Grace also joins us from Western Melbourne where she has been teaching Prep class in a large and fast-growing school. Grace will be replacing Mrs Leviston from the beginning of Term 4.

Matthew Willis - Matthew comes to us with plenty of life experience and will be covering leadership replacement and Mrs Richardson when she begins her family leave mid-way through Term 4. 


I am sure everyone will join in welcoming Zina, Grace and Matt to Lucas Primary School.


Matthew Willis
Zina Hijniakov
Grace Taylor
Matthew Willis
Zina Hijniakov
Grace Taylor



Last Day of Term - Early Finish - Last Day of Term 3


This is a friendly reminder that our action-packed term will come to a close on Friday September 20 at the earlier time of 1.30pm. We thank you in advance for making the necessary arrangements to support this modification to the week.


This day is also our Sporting Colours Day when students and staff can wear their favourite sporting team colours and join in some ball games at break time. Please bring a gold coin donation with all proceeds going to River's Gift.


Term 4 Curriculum Day - Professional Practice Day


At our August School Council meeting we discussed the date for our Term 4 Curriculum Day. The date for the Curriculum Day will be Monday November 18. 

On this day, students will remain at home or in alternative care while the staff attend for some important professional development. Lucas LEAP will be open on this day should you require support with care arrangements. We thank you in advance for your support. 



Building Works

The building works continues in preparation for the installation of two double story portables along the edge of the basketball courts. Over the past two weeks, essential drainage works have been completed. This included the removal of the existing drains and the installation of a bigger and better version. 

Over the coming two weeks, work will begin on the footings for the buildings before the portables arrive shortly after.



I am pleased to report that our heating and cooling project has been completed this week with the reinstatement of footpaths around the condenser units and some earth work to ensure our spaces remain safe for the students and aesthetically pleasing. Our thanks goes out to Hutchies and the staff and students for being adaptable and working closely to ensure this work has proceeded with minimal disruption to learning time. 













School Saving Bonus


During the week we received details about the School Savings Bonus which will be available for all families who have children enrolled in a government school for 2025.

In a snapshot, families will receive $400 voucher for each child which can be used to pay for school uniform and our stationery packs as well as going toward the cost of school excursions and camps.

Please see the PDF document below that explains in greater detail how the system will work.

Father's Day


A huge thankyou goes out to all our wonderful fathers, father figures and special guests that attended school for a lunchtime of activities last Friday August 30. I am not sure I have seen so many fathers in a school at the same time. The students were really so pleased and proud to show their special visitors around on the day and join in a range of activities during the lunch break. This time seems to really work for many families, so we look forward to adding it to the school calendar for 2025.

Thanks also to those who were able to donate a gold coin to the "Gotcha4Life Foundation". This foundation does some important work in the Mental Health Space.



Last week, on Thursday we had over 380 students attend our annual disco. The night was headlined by our resident DJ Tim Tam (Mrs Cooper) who hit the beats all night long. It was the first time we have split the disco to cater more appropriately for the needs of each age group. A huge thankyou to the Disco working party led by Miss Toll and Miss Falzon and to all the staff who volunteered their time to ensure the students had a night to remember. The funds raised during the night will go towards our outdoor learning centre and kitchen garden program. 



Being SunSmart in Term 4


It’s time to pack away the beanies and dust off the summer hats.

This is a reminder that all students are required to wear their wide brimmed sun hat at all times they are outdoors in Term 1 & Term 4.

Lucas PS hats are available to purchase from PSW, our uniform supplier.


Second Hand Uniform


We are looking to hold another second hand uniform stall at the beginning of Term 4.

As always we would be so grateful to any families who can donate uniform that is in good condition to the uniform stall.

The holidays are a good time to check and see what still fits.

We are especially looking for small items that might be good for our 2024 Prep families to purchase.

Donations can be dropped into the office.

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