Classroom News 

What's Been Happening in Prep

The newest additions to the Our Lady’s family, our wonderful prep students, have had a fantastic start to the school year! They are beginning to learn the routines and expectations of the classroom, how to organise themselves for their learning and pack up their materials independently. The preps have been reading lots of awesome books and have completed some amazing craft activities to show their understanding of these books. They’ve also been busy learning how to cut properly with scissors and hold a pencil correctly to colour in and write their name. The preps have also been working on their fine motor skills by tracing shapes, using magnetic letters to make their name, threading beads onto pipe cleaners and lots more fun activities! 


The preps have been busy getting to know each other by sharing information about themselves. They have been gaining confidence to talk about their likes, dislikes, interests and family through ‘Show and Tell’, as well as through class discussions. This has helped them to make connections and friendships between each other as common interests have been found! 


In Mathematics, the preps have been learning about patterns. They have practised continuing recurring patterns, as well as created their own patterns using hands on materials such as counters and coloured teddies. The preps also made patterns through their drawings and colouring in, when creating patterned fish. 


We can’t wait to continue watching them settle into classroom life and thrive as awesome, little learners! 



What's Been Happening in Year 5

Fun with Place Value!


Year 5s have been learning to use non-proportional models to represent and rename the place value for up to 7 digit numbers. A non-proportional model is when we use objects to represent different number values. 

















