From the Principal

Ross Pritchard









Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, and Staff,

It's with great pleasure that I bring you the latest updates from Auburn High. As we move towards the end of Term 3, our school community has been buzzing with activity and engagement across various events and initiatives.


House Athletics: Celebrating Team Spirit and friendly competition

Our recent House Athletics event was a testament to our students' enthusiasm and sportsperson and our staff’s willingness to get involved in activities outside the classroom. For the first time in many years the weather was not ideal, with cold winds and showers testing even the most optimistic. The vibrant sea of House colors on the track and in the stands showcased the House spirit and camaraderie within our school's House system. Many students dressed up in costumes and displayed a positive energy weather they were competing, cheering, helping as an official, or running the BBQ or kiosk. We are most grateful to our Sport Coordinator, Mr Lanfranchi and his dedicated staff team, who produced an outstanding event bringing our staff, and students together to compete, support and encourage one another. Congratulations to those students who qualified for the Auburn team who will compete at the next level of School Sport Victoria athletics. 

Time and Space events

Our inaugural Time and Space Evenings aimed to strengthen the bond between our students and their father figures. The laughter, conversations, and shared experiences created memories that will last. Father figures, their children, and our senior students who acted as facilitators have provided some very positive feedback on the evening and this will be used later in the year when we hold a senior school families evening. The School appreciates the challenges of modern parenting and hopefully the night provided some Time and Space for those who attended to meet some fellow Auburnians, to hear insights and connect with each other. Thank you to Kristie Satilmis, Assistant Principal, who did a fantastic job of coordinating the night. 


Student Forums on Attitudes to School Survey Data: Insights and Dialogues

Over the last few weeks, a series of student forums were conducted to discuss the Attitudes to School Survey data. These have been enlightening and productive. Our students' insights, ideas, and suggestions are invaluable as we continuously strive to enhance the school experience and provide opportunities for students to act as agents for their own learning. The open and honest dialogues during these forums highlight the importance of student voice in shaping our educational environment. Our Leading Teacher Pauline Delhostal, did an incredible job across six forums, liaising with our Year Level Leaders, coordinating students, and designing the sessions. The feedback produced in the forums will be used by leadership as we plan for 2024 and beyond. 


School Review Day: Reflecting, Celebrating and Creating Strategy 

Our School Review began last week with what is termed a Validation Day. This day is spent analysing school documentation, policies, and protocols. It also involves learning walks through our classes, and meeting students. The review panel set some terms of reference for the two days of fieldwork earlier this week. There will be multiple forums involving staff, students, and parents, providing an opportunity to discuss the last four years, establish to what extent we are achieving our goals and explore innovative ways to further elevate the education we offer. Through these collaborative discussions and observations, the panel will provide an independent perspective so that the School can continue to refine our approaches to teaching, learning, and student support. Thanks to those who took part. 


Term 3 Coming to an End: Celebrating Achievements

As we approach the conclusion of Term 3, it's a fitting time to celebrate the accomplishments of our students and the hard work of our staff. The dedication shown throughout the term is commendable, and we're proud of the growth and progress our students have demonstrated. Learning Behaviour reports have been released, Parent Student Teacher conferences are happening, and Year Level assemblies are coming up. Presently it is a good chance to take some moments to evaluate where each student is, and appreciate the milestones achieved and the resilience shown. Students can then set some goals for their own progress through E4L, My Learning Growth tool or with support staff.

Looking ahead, I’m excited about the upcoming events and opportunities that Term 4 will bring. Before you know it, October will be here and the Year 12’s will be celebrating their final week!! As always, your involvement, support, and partnership are crucial to the success of our school community. 

Until next time,
