Upper Primary Update
English Update:
Students are exploring alternative pencils for English this semester. Alternative pencils consist of traditional pens, flipcharts, QWERTY boards and AAC devices.
We are encouraging students to write free-handed and to use this skill to create words, phrases, and sentences independently. We have observed an increased confidence in our student’s literacy skills, and they continue to do a wonderful job!
Maths Update:
Students are continuing to blossom with their Maths skills. This term we have focused on money, time, day and night, and counting. Students also had a go at multiplication using equal groups and arrays.
Science Week:
For science week, students experimented with a range of mixing tools to make delicious cupcakes. Students practised using a whisk, eggbeaters and an electric mixer to combine eggs, cake mixture and milk. They did a fabulous job.
Book Parade and Paper Planet Incursion:
At the end of August, students excitedly participated in the Book Week Parade where they dressed up as their favourite characters. They all looked amazing!
Students then went to the Paper Planet incursion where they explored a ‘world’ entirely made of paper. They had a wonderful time! Thank you to the staff at Polyglot Theatre for hosting this event.