Respectful Relationships

Year 3 - RRRR

In Year 3, students have been learning about help seeking & stress management, and more specifically, how we can identify who can helps us in specific situations

Why is it important?

Help Seeking:

Children can experience all kinds of challenges as they grow and develop. The help-seeking behaviours of children are fundamental to their mental health and wellbeing. Encouraging and fostering help-seeking behaviours is one way to improve mental health and wellbeing. It is important to work with students to make sure they are aware about help-seeking avenues and confident to seek help from an appropriate source when needed.

 Stress Management:

Stress is a normal part of life, especially as children get older. Children who cope better with life’s stressors develop good mental health and wellbeing. Assisting students recognise their personal signs and symptoms of stress to develop strategies that will help them to deal with those effectively, will help them cope with challenges in the future.

What have you been learning about in RRRR?


(help seeking & stress management)

Room 15: 

Mia: How to handle emotions 

Patrick: Gratitude 

Jacob: Gratitude 


Room 16: 

Patrick: Gratitude 

Annika: How to handle emotions

Isla:  How to handle emotions 


Room 25: 

Remy: Disabilities, calming techniques  

Levi: Disabilities, how to help seek

Zack: Disabilities, ways to calm down


Room 26: 

Archer: Calming techniques 

Toby: Ways to deal with bullying

Elle: How to control Feelings


Who are some of the people we can ask for help from?

Room 15: 

Mia: Teacher

Patrick: Parents and Older brothers

Jacob: Trusted Adults


Room 16: 

Isla: Teacher and parents, Trusted person over 18+ 

Patrick: Staff

Annika: Teacher and parents 


Room 25: 

Remy:  Teachers,Students

Levi: Teachers, Older people (grade 6)

Zack: People older than you


Room 26: 

Elle: Teachers

Toby: Trusted Adults

Archer: Friends and Family


Why is learning about Respectful Relationships important to you?

Room 15: 

Mia: So you can be respectful

Patrick: Have a growth mindset and be king

Jacob: So you can handle different situations 



Room 16: 

Isla: So you can learn to be respectful and be kind

Patrick: So you can follow the rules

Annika: So you can follow rules and be respectful 


Room 25: 

Remy: To know about people with disabilities 

Levi: Learn more than you know?

Zack: To know important life skills


Room 26: 

Toby: So you can have and open mindset

Archer: If you get angry you can know how to handle it

Elle: It can help you with an issue you have



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