Upper Primary Learning

The students of UPA have been a busy bunch learning and expanding their knowledge of germination. At the start of the term, we looked at the process of a plant, from seed to flower. Our language and writing developed through our learning experiences each week as we looked at various seeds and then grew our own seedling of a bean shoot to watch the stages of growth. We experimented with different growing conditions with some grass heads, giving some water, controlling the temperature either warm or cold, sealing one in a bag to remove air, and controlling sunlight by sticking one in a cupboard. Students learnt that there are four major components that plants need to grow. A highlight of the term was our excursion to the Botanical Gardens early in the term. Students explored different types of plants and learnt more about pollinators and the important role they play in spreading pollen to help reproduce more plants. Another highlight was our excursion to Gresswell Forrest to collect various nature items to construct a ‘Bug Hotel’ for little creatures. We explored through science by dissecting a flower to learn the names of each of the flower parts, building a class worm farm, where we got up close and explored worms and how a compost works. As the term developed, students learnt how plants are important to us and all the benefits a plant gives to us through food, medicine and keeping our planet filled with oxygen.
A few other highlights of the term were getting dressed up for Book week and being in orange for a day for National Against Bullying Day and coming to school in a pj’s! We got up close to a fire and rescue helicopter and watched it take off from the ground. UPA hosted an Assembly as we demonstrated the steps we took to show how plants soak up water by using various food colouring dyes and changing the colour of the plant/lettuce and celery leaves. A major highlight of the term was our Year 6 Camp to Phillip Island. Students enjoyed participating in various activities like the giant swing, zip line and racing around in little bikes. Most of all, hanging out on the beach looking for little creatures in rock pools.
UPA also demonstrated being safe in the community for our Elective this term in Community Access. Students developed their road safety skills and their awareness of what is around them when out in the community. We practised these skills each week by walking up the street or taking public transport to the local shops. Each week we expanded on our skills using public transportation, taking a bus and tram to Kmart or visiting Greensborough Plaza and navigating our way around a busy shopping centre. Students had the opportunity to use their own money to make small purchases and developed their communication skills with the public, while building on their social skills with their fellow peers. It has been a fantastic term and we look forward to our adventures for Term 4.
In UPB, we had another busy term packed with wonderful experiments and engaging learning activities. We looked at different plants and their main parts from roots to flowers. We had tons of fun exploring plants and pollinators at Gresswell Forest and the Royal Botanical Gardens. We talked about the importance of plants, especially as the sources of food and medicine. We won’t be able to survive without our amazing plants!
In Maths, we focused on Place Value and Money. We learned about the features of Australian money, compared their value and practised counting a collection of coins. I’m proud to say that everyone has worked hard and made progress in multiple areas. Superstars, enjoy your well-earned break and see you back at school soon!
Term 3 has been a very busy term for UPC! Halfway through the term, UPC students farewelled Isabelle who went on Maternity Leave to have a baby. The class was sad to see her go at the end of week 5, but they have warmly welcomed Angie to the classroom.
A highlight from this term were weekly excursions to Greensborough WaterMarc each Tuesday afternoon to participate in the school swimming program. These swimming lessons are focussed on developing students’ aquatic safety skills, enhancing swimming abilities, encouraging community access to participate in healthy leisure/recreational activities and personal care skills after each lesson. It was fantastic to see how much UPC students enjoyed participating in the swimming program whilst seeing their water skills confidence increase.
The Discovery/Literacy Unit for this term has been ‘Discovering the Wonders of Plants’, and to support this unit, students enjoyed going on two related excursions. The first excursion was to Gresswell Forest, and the second one was to the Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria. These excursions along with other weekly Language Experiences have given students opportunities to build their oral language, vocabulary, writing and understanding of why plants are so important.
Other special events which UPC enjoyed included a visit from the Lifesaving Helicopter & Mascot, Book Week and several dress up days (PJ’s Day for Pyjama Foundation, Book Week characters and wear it orange for National Day of Action)! We are also looking forward to the Sports Day and Footy Day which will take place during the remainder of the term!
Wishing all students & families a well-deserved, safe, happy and healthy September school holidays!
The expression “Time flies when you’re having fun” certainly applies to Term 3 in UPD. The students have been enthralled by all the fun and enriching learning activities this term. These experiences have led to fantastic writing and oral language opportunities. Students began the term by investigating seeds from a variety of fruits and vegetables. They collected seed pods and pine cones to create their own ‘insect hotels’ to attract bugs and small creatures on their adventure walk through Gresswell Forest. They were able to plant grass seeds in pots to watch the stages of growth of a plant. One of the most exciting ventures was our excursion to the Royal Botanic Gardens where students were able to put their knowledge about plants into practice. A definite highlight was making our own class wormery, where students built a worm farm out of glass jars, alternating soil and sand and feeding the worms with vegetable food scraps. The students led our section assembly in week 8 and showcased their amazing seed collages of fruit trees, sunflowers and dandelions.
In Maths, the students have focused on learning about Addition and important strategies to solve addition sums. At the end of the term the students have been excited to learn about Money using coins and notes to buy items from our classroom Fruit Market.
All in all, it has been a jam-packed term full of learning and authentic experiences to promote life-long learning.
This term, UPE students have all enjoyed engaging in our theme “The wonders of plants”. A highlight of this term was planting and growing a bean seed. During this process the students were able to see the seed split, the roots begin to form, as well as the growth of the small sprout into a bean plant. The students have taken great care and responsibility of our bean plant by ensuring it gets enough water and sunshine. Other highlights this term have included the trip to the Royal Botanical Gardens, getting to interact with and care for the compost worms and using plants to create dye and then painting a fabric bag.
The Maths focus has been on Money and exploring how to use money by having a pretend shop and by exploring the images and features of coins and notes. The students have enjoyed exploring money and have really seen the value and importance of money and developing their understanding of this concept.
This term Megan, Deanna and Bec have all seen the social and emotional development of the class as a whole. The students have all shown an increase in their empathy and compassion for one another and the classroom staff are frequently impressed with how readily the students are willing to comfort a friend in need.
Well done UPE! You have all worked incredibly hard this term and we cannot wait to see what Term 4 holds for you all!
The Discovery Unit, Why Are Plants So Important? has taken UPF on a journey from planting seeds to naming and dissecting a flower and from extracting colour from plants to visiting the Royal Botanical Gardens. Each Language Experience brought another opportunity for students to develop their oral language and vocabulary, including germination and pollination and students have been engaged and excited to explore and discover the importance of plants.
Venturing to WaterMarc each Tuesday afternoon for swimming lessons was another highlight of the term. Upper Primary’s swimming elective aims to develop water safety skills and personal care skills after each lesson. It was wonderful to see students’ confidence and skills grow in and out of the pool.
A huge thanks to Christian for taking on the role of UPF’s Class Captain for Term 3. Christian supported assembly each week and carried out classroom duties and tasks throughout the term. Thank you, Christian.
Lastly, we would like to thank our UPF families for their ongoing support. We are excited for a well-earned break, but can’t wait to see what Term 4 brings.
It’s been a big term in UPG! Earlier this term, UPG students farewelled Tom - the class was sad to see him go, and he had clearly made a big impression on them all! But being the resilient bunch that they are, the class warmly welcomed Alana to the class in week 4.
Many of our Grade 6 students went to camp at Phillip Island this term, where they challenged themselves with a range of activities and made memories to last a lifetime, including go karting and seeing the penguin parade - what a fantastic achievement for them all!
Other highlights of the term include book week, a helicopter visit, and excursions to the Royal Botanic Gardens and Gresswell forest to support our Literacy focus of “Discovering the wonders of plants”. Our learning in Math has focused on Place Value and Money - we’ve even enjoyed some ‘shopping’ in class.
Have a wonderful and well-earned spring break!
This term, we have been exploring different plants and how they grow. We had so much fun at the Royal Botanical Gardens and loved looking at carnivorous plants like the venus fly trap! We also went exploring at the Gresswell Forest and were lucky enough to find frogs and kangaroos. In maths we focused on money and had so much fun practising our budgeting skills. Late Term 2, our grade 5 students went to camp in the Mornington Peninsula and had a great time on the giant swing and doing archery.
During Term 3, our grade 6 students went to Phillip Island and saw the penguin parade and went go karting.
In social comp we have been exploring what makes someone a good friend and why. Well done to all UPH students for showing each other kindness and for completing such great work this term!
Rachel Morgan Kirsten Telford
Leading Teacher Leading Teacher
Teaching and Learning Wellbeing and Engagement