Principal's Report - Mr Pitt

Dear Parents/ Carers,



We have some exciting news about Miss Ida. Last Friday was her last day before commencing maternity leave. She came to work but left by Break 1 as she wasn’t feeling well. And then guess what happened - her beautiful baby girl was born on Friday afternoon, just before 3pm. Little Zelda is very lucky to have two wonderful new parents to take care of her. Congratulations! 


So far this term, we have celebrated Education Week, Science Week and this week we are currently celebrating Book Week. Yesterday’s Book Week Parade was fantastic! It was great to see everyone dressed up and lots of parents and friends in attendance. As we move along in the term, we will be celebrating in Week 10 with our Fairvale Festival. Children who are performing in the Festival have already received a participation/ commitment note. This note is important as it ensures that each child is committed to the 3 shows – a dress rehearsal, matinee and evening performance. Tickets for this special event will be going on sale from next Thursday 31 August, 2023


This last fortnight I visited many of the specialist roles that we have on offer at Fairvale.

I have spent time with many children and the following teachers - our Learning and Support Teachers (LaST) - Mrs E Bruzzese, Mrs Callaway and Mr Kinninburgh, Wellbeing Mentors - Mrs Benjamin, Mrs Bruzzese and Mrs Marjanac, our Occupation Therapy teacher - Mrs La Robina, our Speech Support teachers - Mrs Batten and Mrs El Rihani, Mrs A Jewo – First Nations mentor and our Student Portfolio Innovation Teacher - Miss Diep. These teachers support children and classes across the school and are an integral part of what we do at Fairvale PS – ‘putting children at the centre’ of all that we do. It has been a most enjoyable last two weeks. Check out some of my pics in this edition of the school newsletter. 


Some of our Stage 3 students had a great time at the Canberra Camp. It has been several years since we have been able to take a group of students to Canberra due to COVID restrictions and, as always, the students were extremely well-behaved and enjoyed visiting many of the Canberra sites. More info and pics are included in this edition of the newsletter. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the teachers who attended the camp, for without them, these special camps and life-long memories would not be possible. Big thank you to Mrs Sloggett, Mrs Bawa, Miss David and Mr Ly. 



Over 140 students from Years 2 to 6 will participate in the annual swimming and water safety program at Prairiewood Leisure Centre, commencing next Monday. The program is for students who are non- and/or weak swimmers and it runs for 10 days. Today, Miss Zanatta and I met with all the children to talk about what they need to do over the next 10 days. Please note, the program operates every day regardless of weather conditions. It is a wonderful program and I look forward to hearing about the new skills and confidence the children gain over the next 10 days. 


Please check out the 2023 Child Safety Handbook. You will find many proactive and preventative measures to keep our youngest and most vulnerable members of our community healthy and safe. You will receive information related to fire danger ratings, online safety, personal safety, light rail safety and beach safety just to name a few!


                            Click Here -



All adults on site will be healthy and ready to work and we expect the same from our children and their families. If children are unwell at school, you or your nominated emergency contact will need to collect them immediately. Please make sure your contact details are up to date. Check out the link below.

Life in Australia Survey (

Have a great fortnight,


Anthony Pitt


I respect and acknowledge First Nations people as the traditional owners of the land on which I work, live and visit.