Clubs and Activities - Term 3
Our clubs and activities program has had a very successful term 3. A range of clubs run at recess, lunchtime and after school and give students a chance to try out new skills and have fun with friends in a supportive environment. Our staff enjoy being able to share their interests with their students outside of the classroom. Some of our clubs include:
- Lego Club
- eSports Club
- Dungeons and Dragons
- Karate
- Dance Club
- Pride Club
- Card Club
- Kpop Club
We have enjoyed some performances from our clubs at recent events including Dance Club at our last assembly and a performance from our Kpop Club at this assembly.
Students are welcome to join a club at any time, they don't need to sign up they can just turn up! Club cards are available from the clubs teacher for students who regularly attend a particular club.
Leona Gibbs