GMDSSV Track & Field Championships

On Friday 1 September, GSSC took a squad of eighty students over to the Shepparton Little Athletics track to compete in the GMDSSV Track & Field Championships. GSSC came away as the overall winners for the day after taking out both the Male and Female Aggregate trophies, and the Grand Aggregate trophy for the second year in a row; beating a second place Notre Dame College by over 500 points. 


Well done to everyone who competed and represented the school with pride. Congratulations to the following students for their outstanding performances:

12-13 Years Female Champion

Taneesha Atkinson

12-13 Years Male Champion

Kaydan Morgan

15 Years Female Champion

Fofoa Tulimafono

16 Years Female Champion

Olivia Buchan

17 Years Female Champion

Djura Weston

18-20 Years Female Champion

Hayley Gorringe

18-20 Years Male Champion

John Laurence Matira


The Best Performances of the day went to Olivia Buchan & Djura Weston who both won all five of their respective events. Congratulations to all the Age Group Champions and good luck to all competitors moving onto the next stage of competition. The Hume Region Track & Field Championships will be held on Thursday 5th September in Albury.




Elisha Fiddes

Director of Sport